
Cross-platform Graphics Library for .NET

Primary LanguageC#


CrossGraphics aims to deliver a simple immediate mode interface for drawing graphics on a variety of platforms running .NET.

Currently the following platforms are supported:


dotnet add package CrossGraphics

Using the library

The interface CrossGraphics.IGraphics is the recipient of all drawing commands.

You should now code your objects to be able to draw themselves by being passed and IGraphics object.

Drawing commands include:

  • Rectangles using FillRect and DrawRect
  • Rounded Rectangles using FillRoundedRect and DrawRoundedRect
  • Ovals using FillOval and DrawOval
  • Lines using DrawLine and the option BeginLine and EndLine primitives
  • Images using DrawImage
  • Text using DrawString and the associated font functions


The code is copyright Frank A. Krueger and is released under the MIT license.