
Submission to "Starve Free Readers-Writers Problem" for CSN-232: Operating Systems.

Primary LanguageC

Starve-Free Readers Writers Problem


Starve Free Readers-Writers Problem: All readers and writers will be granted access to the resource in their order of arrival. If a writer arrives while readers are accessing the resource, it will wait until those readers free the resource, and then modify it. The same goes for readers a writer has the access to the resource.

This repo contains the pseudocode of the solution.


Global variables:

  • Use semaphores for mutex. All semaphores are initialized to 1.

  • orderMutex: Materialize order of arrival. Taken by the entity that requests the access to the resource and is released after it gains the access.

  • accessMutex: Requested by a writer before modifying a resource.

  • readers: Counter for the number of readers accessing the resource.

  • readersMutex: Protect the counter against conflicting accesses.

  semaphore orderMutex;         // Initialized to 1
  semaphore accessMutex;        // Initialized to 1
  semaphore readersMutex;       // Initialized to 1

  unsigned int readers = 0;     // Number of readers accessing the resource

Readers Part:

  • Wait(): Decrements the value of a semaphore by 1.
  • Signal(): Increments the value of a semaphore by 1.

These are same as P() or V() which are generally used with semaphores.

void reader(){
  Wait(orderMutex);           // Remember our order of arrival

  Wait(readersMutex);         // We will manipulate the readers counter
  if (readers == 0)           // If there are currently no readers (we came first)
    Wait(accessMutex);        // requests exclusive access to the resource for readers
  readers++;                  // Note that there is now one more reader
  Signal(orderMutex);         // Release order of arrival semaphore (we have been served)
  Signal(readersMutex);       // We are done accessing the number of readers for now

  ReadResource();             // Here the reader can read the resource at will

  Wait(readersMutex);         // We will manipulate the readers counter
  readers--;                  // We are leaving, there is one less reader
  if (readers == 0)           // If there are no more readers currently reading...
    Signal(accessMutex);      // ...release exclusive access to the resource
  Signal(readersMutex);       // We are done accessing the number of readers for now

Writers Part:

  • Wait(): Decrements the value of a semaphore by 1.
  • Signal(): Increments the value of a semaphore by 1.

These are same as P() or V() which are generally used with semaphores.

void writer(){
  Wait(orderMutex);           // Remember our order of arrival
  Wait(accessMutex);          // Request exclusive access to the resource
  Signal(orderMutex);         // Release order of arrival semaphore (we have been served)

  WriteResource();            // Here the writer can modify the resource at will

  Signal(accessMutex);        // Release exclusive access to the resource