is a simple nvim plugin wrapper for both phpcs and phpcbf.
The PHP_CodeSniffer's output is populated using the telescope picker. Telescope helps to navigate through phpcs errors and warnings and preview.
Install telescope and PHP_CodeSniffer. Using the vim-plug plugin manager add the following in your VIM configuration (e.g. ~/.vimrc or ~/.config/nvim/init.vim when using Neovim):
Plug 'praem90/nvim-phpcsf'
To run sniffer
:lua require'phpcs'.cs()
To run beautifier
:lua require'phpcs'.cbf()
To run PHP_CodeBeautifier after save (It is recommended to run this after the buffer has been written BufWritePost)
augroup PHBSCF
autocmd BufWritePost,BufReadPost,InsertLeave *.php :lua require'phpcs'.cs()
autocmd BufWritePost *.php :lua require'phpcs'.cbf()
augroup END
let g:nvim_phpcs_config_phpcs_path = 'phpcs'
let g:nvim_phpcs_config_phpcbf_path = 'phpcbf'
let g:nvim_phpcs_config_phpcs_standard = 'PSR12' " or path to your ruleset phpcs.xml
Using lua
phpcs = "phpcs",
phpcbf = "phpcbf",
standard = "PSR12"
- Detect phpcs.xml automatically on the project root
- Add sign to current buffer