
Retrieves stats from Arris cable modems and sends to InfluxDB

Primary LanguagePython


This is a Python script to scrape stats from the Arris cable modem web interface. Results are meant to be sent to InfluxDB for use with Grafana, but other targets could be added. This currently only works with the Arris SB8200. Credit goes to https://github.com/billimek/SB6183-stats-for-influxdb

Run Locally

  • Install pipenv. On a Mac with Homebrew, brew install pipenv
  • Install pip dependencies (run from the script directory of this repo): pipenv install
  • Edit config.ini and change [INFLUXDB] host to your influxdb server
  • pipenv run python3 arris_stats.py


pipenv run python3 sb8200_stats.py --debug


The database will be created automatically if the user has permissions (config.ini defaults to anonymous access). You can set the database name in config.ini using the [INFLUXDB] database parameter.


There are two Grafana examples. The first only relies on the Python script from this repo, while the second relies on Telegraf.

SB8200 Dashboard

  • Setup arrris_stats.py to run from somewhere (There's a Docker example below)
  • Import a new dashboard using the grafana/sb8200_grafana.json file. Originally exported from Grafana v6.3.3

SB8200 Dashboard 1 SB8200 Dashboard 2

Internet Uptime Dashboard

Internet Uptime


Run in a Docker container with:

docker build -t arris_stats .
docker run arris_stats


chmod +x scripts/arris_sb8200_stats_v2.py edit scripts/config.ini edit crontab with something along the lines of the */15 * * * * ${LOCATION}/arris_sb8200_stats_v2.py --config ${LOCATION}/config.ini