use-R and SAS

SAS is an industry standard for statistical analysis enablingaudit trail, QC, storage of log files and powerful reporting capabilities. R which is open source has wide user community and efficient customizable data visualization tools.As a result, tools to integrate R with SAS are becoming increasingly prominent.Though SAS cannot be accessed through R, SAS has a capability to run R through Proc IML and several other customizable macros, provided user has R installed on their desktop. R2SAS, R2SAS2PDF & SAS2SHINY are such macros integrating thecapabilities of SAS and R.

%R2SAS[1] allows SAS to run the Rscript through the command line from within SAS. %PDFplot1x1[2], %PDFplot2x1[3], %PDFplot2x2[4] can be used to create pdf’s of 1, 2 or 4 plots from R script.These pdf’s have customizable header and footer to include anlayses folder, username, pagination.%SAS2SHINY demonstrates output of shinyapp through shinypkv package[5].


Installation of both SAS and R on the user's system or server

The use of global variables can make for some very impressive coding shortcuts, but a simple example, namely setting the path for the reporting effort is used for this effort

// / Set path for reporting effort / // %let path = C:\SAS4CPMS;

/* Wherever the reporting effort is to be produced, this path is entered. NOTE that there are no quotes. The path variable &path is defined as the characters C:\SAS4CPMS, which means wherever we type &path, these characters will appear before SAS process the command. A directory structure for reporting is standardized for all reporting efforts

reporting structure


-Daren Austin -CPMS,GSK,UK

-Pragathi Kotha Venkata -CPMS,GSK,US







