
DTN and data transfer

Table of Contents:

  1. Mount Salk USB drive
  2. Copy data from USB
  3. Add firewall
  4. Add route
  5. Setup FDT
    1. Prerequisites
    2. Install FDT
    3. Test setup

Mount Salk USB drive

  1. Create zfs slice for storing the data

    zpool list
    zfs create pool1/pragma/salk
    zfs list
  2. Using Salk drive via USB port

    1. Check that no current USB drive is attached

      cd /var/log
      grep usb messages
      fdisk -l
    2. Attach USB drive and check what device is used

      grep usb messages
      fdisk -l /dev/sds
    3. Create mount point

      ls /media
      mkdir /media/usb-drive
    4. Install fuse and ntfs-3g RPMs needed for mounting USB drive (partitioned on windows)

      Install yum-utils (to get yumdownloader) and fuse form local repo and ntfs-3g from epel.

      cd /pool1/pragma/salk/
      mkdir downloads
      cd downloads/
      yum list yum-utils
      install yum-utils
      yum list fuse
      yum install fuse
      yum --enablerepo=epel list ntfs-3g
      yumdownloader --resolve --enablerepo=epel ntfs-3g
      rpm -i ntfs-3g-2017.3.23-6.el7.x86_64.rpm
      yum list ntfs-3g
    5. Load fuse module

      First, there should be no fuse module, as the fuse RPM was just installed. After modprobe command fuse is loaded:

      # lsmod | grep fuse
      # modprobe fuse
      # lsmod | grep fuse
      fuse                   91874  1 
    6. Mount USB drive

      Check what drive systems recognizes as USB

      fdisk -l | grep Disk | grep dev | grep -v fdisk
      Disk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes, 234441648 sectors
      Disk /dev/sdb: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes, 234441648 sectors
      Disk /dev/md127: 2147 MB, 2147483648 bytes, 4194304 sectors
      Disk /dev/md126: 68.7 GB, 68719476736 bytes, 134217728 sectors
      Disk /dev/md125: 2147 MB, 2147483648 bytes, 4194304 sectors
      Disk /dev/sde: 10000.8 GB, 10000831348736 bytes, 19532873728 sectors
      Disk /dev/sdf: 10000.8 GB, 10000831348736 bytes, 19532873728 sectors
      Disk /dev/sdp: 10000.8 GB, 10000831348736 bytes, 19532873728 sectors
      Disk /dev/md124: 46.9 GB, 46912241664 bytes, 91625472 sectors
      Disk /dev/sds: 8001.6 GB, 8001563221504 bytes, 15628053167 sectors

      From the output above it is /dev/sds. Mount via:

      # ls /media/usb-drive/
      # mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sds2 /media/usb-drive/
      # ls /media/usb-drive/
      Autorun.inf                  Sample_1  Sample_3  SeagateExpansion.ico  Start_Here_Win.exe
      File_and_preprocessing_info  Sample_2  Seagate    Warranty.pdf

Copy data from USB

Once the USB dive is mounted, copy data from the USB disk using its original layout . The Disk contents for one day sampling :

   File_and_preprocessing_info/  approx 20Mb, info and matlab processing scripts, power point presentation
   Sample_1/  ~900MB raw data
   Sample_2/  ~1Tb   raw data
   Sample_3/  ~900Mb raw data

Create data storage on the zfs slice:

 cd /pool1/pragma/salk/
 mkdir 20180620
 cd /pool1/pragma/salk/20180620

For each sample directory recursively copy data

date >> out
cp -r /media/usb-drive/Sample_1/ .
date >> out

Collected local data transfer times (from out):

Sample 2 Sample 3
Start Thu Jun 21 17:32:47 AKDT 2018 Fri Jun 22 16:55:35 AKDT 2018
End Fri Jun 22 01:15 Sat Jun 23 00:02:40 AKDT 2018

Add firewall

on frontend create a script /root/code/add-pragmadata-firewall with the wollowing contents:


# add rules on frontend for the pragmadata-1-1 host:
# - acceppt conencitons for ports 5000-5020 
# - acceppt conencitons for ssh
# - acceppt conencitons for tcp on established on host for prototocls (initiated on the host, like wget)
# - reject all other connecitons 

/opt/rocks/bin/rocks add firewall host=pragmadata-1-1 network=optistorage service=all protocol=tcp action=ACCEPT chain=INPUT flags="--dport 5000:5020 -m state --state NEW,RELATED" rulename=A20-OPTISTORAGE-TCP
/opt/rocks/bin/rocks add firewall host=pragmadata-1-1 network=optistorage service=all protocol=udp action=ACCEPT chain=INPUT flags="--dport 5000:5020 -m state --state NEW,RELATED" rulename=A20-OPTISTORAGE-UDP
/opt/rocks/bin/rocks add firewall host=pragmadata-1-1 network=optistorage service=ssh protocol=tcp action=ACCEPT chain=INPUT rulename=A21-OPTISTORAGE-SSH
/opt/rocks/bin/rocks add firewall host=pragmadata-1-1 network=optistorage service=all protocol=tcp action=ACCEPT chain=INPUT flags="-m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED" rulename=A30-RELATED-OPTISTORAGE
/opt/rocks/bin/rocks add firewall host=pragmadata-1-1 network=optistorage service=0:65535 protocol=tcp action=DROP chain=INPUT rulename=R100-OPTISTORAGE-DROPALL-TCP
/opt/rocks/bin/rocks add firewall host=pragmadata-1-1 network=optistorage service=0:65535 protocol=udp action=DROP chain=INPUT rulename=R100-OPTISTORAGE-DROPALL-UDP

/opt/rocks/bin/rocks sync host firewall pragmadata-1-1

Execute the script to enable the new rules for pragmadata-1-1.

Add Route

On pragmadata-1-1 do

ip route add default via
ip route show

The IP above is a gateway for the optistorage network. See network settings with

rocks list network

Check connectivity

tcpdump -i bond0 host

Setup FDT

On pragmadata-1-1 do


Install latest available (for the OS ) java

# yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64
# which java
# java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_161"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_161-b14)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.161-b14, mixed mode)

Install FDT

Previously tried FDT version 0.24. All available FDT distributions are at the FDT releases page. In 2018 tried to use FDT v. 0.24. As of 2019, download latest availalbe 0.26.1

cd /pool1/pragma/salk/downloads

java -jar fdt.jar -version
2019-05-26 13:20:14 INFO printVersion FDT 0.26.1-201708081830
2019-05-26 13:20:14 INFO printVersion Contact:
mkdir /opt/fdt
cp fdt.jar /opt/fdt

Test setup

Use the same version of FDT on server and client.

  1. test pragmadata-1-1 as a server

    On pragmadata-1-1 start FDT server. Options:

    • -S disables the standalone mode, when specified the FDT server will stop after the last client finishes.
    • -noupdates disables the new releases updates check
    java -jar /opt/fdt/fdt.jar  -p 5000 -S

    Trimmed output:

    FDT [ 0.26.1-201708081830 ] STARTED ... 
    2019-05-26 14:44:23 INFO <init> Using as FileChannelProviderFactory
    2019-05-26 14:44:23 INFO <init> FDT started in server mode
    2019-05-26 14:44:23 INFO main FDT uses *blocking* I/O mode.
    2019-05-26 14:44:23 INFO doWork FDTServer start listening on port: 5000

    On the client pc-163 start the client. Options:

    • -c means connect to the specified host. If this parameter is missing the FDT will become server
    • -v verbose
    java -jar ./fdt.jar -v -c -p 5000  -d /pool1/pragma/salk/downloads file2transfer 

    Trimmed output:

    May 26, 2019 3:47:32 PM initLogging
    INFO:  LogLevel: FINE
    May 26, 2019 3:47:32 PM initLocalProps
    INFO: Using local properties file: /root/.fdt/
    May 26, 2019 3:47:32 PM initLocalProps
    INFO: No local properties defined
    May 26, 2019 3:47:32 PM main
    FDT [ 0.26.1-201708081830 ] STARTED ... 
    May 26, 2019 3:47:40 PM doWork
     [ Sun May 26 15:47:40 PDT 2019 ]  FDT Session finished OK.
  2. test pragmadata-1-1 as a client

    Run server on pc-163

    java -jar ./fdt.jar  -p 5000 -S -noupdates

    Send file from pragmadata-1-1

    java -jar /opt/fdt/fdt.jar -v -c -p 5000 -d /tmp howto-fuse

    Transfer result OK:

    May 26, 2019 3:11:59 PM initLogging
    INFO:  LogLevel: FINE
    May 26, 2019 3:11:59 PM initLocalProps
    INFO: Using local properties file: /root/.fdt/
    May 26, 2019 3:11:59 PM initLocalProps
    INFO: No local properties defined
    May 26, 2019 3:11:59 PM main
    FDT [ 0.26.1-201708081830 ] STARTED ... 
    INFO:  [ Sun May 26 15:12:06 AKDT 2019 ]  - GracefulStopper hook finished!
    May 26, 2019 3:12:06 PM doWork
     [ Sun May 26 15:12:06 AKDT 2019 ]  FDT Session finished OK.