
SpellCheck is a spelling checking and correction module in Python built using Fuzzywuzzy string matching module.

Primary LanguagePython

Dictionary based spell checking in Python

SpellCheck is a spelling checking and correction module in Python built using Fuzzywuzzy string matching module.

Steps to get started

  1. Create your own dictionary of word

  2. Import the spellcheck module in your script
    from spellcheck import SpellCheck

  3. Initialize the spellcheck object in your code
    spell_check = SpellCheck('words.txt')

  4. Set the string to be checked
    string_to_be_checked = "Gujrt Delh Vodadra"

  5. Use the object to get suggested words or corrected string

Change the fuzzy matching percentage in the spellcheck.py file to suite your need.

Do suggest for any improvement.

Developed by Pragnakalp