
Utilities for replacing diacritics and camelcase notations

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Webalize text/url utils

Collection of text and url processing functions




Filters file urls from template urls


Makes url nice.

toCamelCase(str, [withDiacritics])string

Makes camelcase from nice url (reverse to camelcaseToWebalized)

webalizeChunks(string, [separator])string

Makes nice url from template path

camelCaseChunks(string, [separator])string

Parses url path to template path

asTemplateUrl(path, urlParam, homeView, [notFoundView])string | null

Makes template path when possible, otherwise returns notFoundView


Adds parameter to querystring or hash


Replaces all diacritics

looksLikeFile(urlParam) ⇒ boolean

Filters file urls from template urls

Kind: global function

Param Type
urlParam any


url.looksLikeFile('/assets/img/some_image.png?v=132') // === true

webalize(str) ⇒ string

Kind: global function

Param Type
str string


url.webalize('-Ňějaký čupr', true) // === 'nejaky-cupr'

camelcaseToWebalized(str) ⇒ string

Makes url nice.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
str string Should not start with lowercase character


url.camelcaseToWebalized('helloWorld') // === 'hello-world'

toCamelCase(str, [withDiacritics]) ⇒ string

Makes camelcase from nice url (reverse to camelcaseToWebalized)

Kind: global function

Param Type Default
str string
[withDiacritics] boolean false


url.toCamelCase('ŇěJaký čupr', true) // === 'nejakyCupr'

webalizeChunks(string, [separator]) ⇒ string

Makes nice url from template path

Kind: global function

Param Type Default
string string
[separator] string "'/'"


url.webalizeChunks('/blahBlah/haHa'), '/blah-blah/ha-ha'

camelCaseChunks(string, [separator]) ⇒ string

Parses url path to template path

Kind: global function

Param Type Default
string string
[separator] string "'/'"


url.camelCaseChunks('/blah-blah/ha-ha') // === '/blahBlah/haHa'

asTemplateUrl(path, urlParam, homeView, [notFoundView]) ⇒ string | null

Makes template path when possible, otherwise returns notFoundView

Kind: global function

Param Type Default Description
path string path part of url
urlParam string whole url
homeView any home view template for / path
[notFoundView] any

withParams(urlParam) ⇒ string

Adds parameter to querystring or hash

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
urlParam string
options.query Object | null querystring object (null removes query)
options.hash Object | null hash object (null removes hash)


const res = url.withParams('http://www.google.com?foo=1&bar=&x=hello', { query: { x: 1, y: 2 } });
assert.equal(res, 'http://www.google.com/?foo=1&bar=&x=1&y=2');

replaceDiacritics(str) ⇒ string

Replaces all diacritics

Kind: global function

Param Type
str string