
Software Defined Radio flowgraphs as monoidal categories

Primary LanguagePython

Monoidal Radios

Model SDR flowgraphs with monoidal categories.

This is just my notes and some experimental code. It’s probably not of much use to anyone else, just now.

Many software-defined-radio (SDR) systems use a flowgraph to specify how the signals are to be processed. Here’s a visualization from the LuaRadio documentation.


Some of them (gnuradio, pothos) provide a visual flowgraph editor, as well as a text format (XML, YAML) for storing models. Here’s an example from a gnuradio tutorial:


All of these systems end up generating code at some point. Some examples of such code:


This project is investigating how to use CT techniques to

  • understand the connection problem (many devices to many programs)
  • explore notations to express flowgraphs
  • use a flowgraph to reason about signal properties
  • transform flowgraphs to equivalent but more efficient flowgraphs
  • transform flowgraphs to different target runtimes
  • attach configuration data, provenance to flowgraph blocks.

Technical Goals

  • build open-source diagram management tools
    • interactive editors
    • databases
    • flowgraph read/write (monmor, gnuradio GRC, ptolemy)
    • flowgraph verify
    • convert, say, a gnuradio flowgraph to a luaradio program
  • Read and write serialized graphs in these formats:
    • monmor
    • gnuradio (xml)
    • ptolemy (xml)
    • homotopy.io
    • luaradio (lua)
    • pothos (?)
  • Transform signal flowgraphs between these topologies:
    • gnuradio (python)
    • luaradio (lua)
    • ptolemy (xml)
    • DSP/SampledSignals/Catlab julia
  • Verify properties of flowgraphs

Current State

There’s a collection of documentation and sample flowgraph files. There is one codec for reading gnuradio GRC files.

The jl subdirectory has some experiments using Julia. Julia is suitable for both fast low-level signal processing (what you’d use C for) as well as high-level scripting plumbing such as constructing flowgraphs (what you’d use Python for).

The strung subdirectory has a companion project to build a diagram editor.



Experiments in UIs for editing and understanding flowgraphs.


There is one codec for reading gnuradio GRC files.


Documentation about devices, summaries of SDR software, instructions for building the software.


gnuradio “GRC” flowgraph files. These are for testing the flowgraph codecs, but some are interesting in their own right.


Flowgraphs written as lua programs. luaradio can run these directly, so it’s an interesting runtime target as well as a flowgraph file format.

gnuradio flowgraph -> LuaRadio program

We’ll build a function that transforms, say, a gnuradio flowgraph model to equivalent LuaRadio code.

As far as I know, there is no model storage format for LuaRadio. Its models are constructed programatically by Lua code.

SDR, Simulation Systems

All these systems use some form of flowgraph to represent the processing of signals. We’d like to be able to read these formats, and transform them into one another.

GnuRadio still uses Python 2.7, so it can’t interop with Clojure.

A nice lightweight alternative to gnuradio. LuaRadio is intended for embedded devices.

Its flowgraphs are constructed programatically via Lua code. A tool could generate the Lua for a flowgraph, and then use LuaJIT to run it.



Ptolemy is a simulation system, not a specialized signal-processing workbench. Its models are much richer in structure than typical SDR flowgraphs.

Ptolemy stores its flowgraphs in an XML format known as MoML.

If you get an error like “Invalid DTD” when you parse a MoML file, you may have to change the DTD directive at the top of the MoML file to have the correct URL – it must be https: not http:.

Codecs, and flowgraph interchange format

A codec is something that converts flowgraphs from GnuRadio and Ptolemy into a common format, from whence may be produced other representations such as monmor.

I prefer to use EDN because (ht Rob Stuttaford)

  • Formats like Lisp, because it is Lisp
  • Comments are fine
  • Extensible reader support. Spec, if you’re in #Clojure
  • All the same IDE support a Lisp enjoys (paredit/parinfer)

EDN reader/writers are available in Haskell (hedn).

The common format is an in-memory representation of the graph as a tree of maps. We’ll call them nodes. Each node has at least :name key. It may have a :content key, whose value is a vector of nodes (maps).

A node may have a value. What types does that have in ptolemy models?

A node may have :content whether or not it has a :value. Content is an array of nodes.

In ptolemy, some elements such as StringAttribute, can have properties, such as _style, as content.


GnuRadio GRC XML

Pre-3.8 versions of GnuRadio stored its flowgraphs in XML files. The gr-xml codec decodes these. We don’t bother trying to write them. Use gr-yaml instead.


GnuRadio 3.8 and above stores its flowgraphs in YAML files. The gr-yaml codec reads and writes these from and to the in-memory format.

Math Questions

There are large numbers of devices, and lots of SDR programs that use them, so managing the ways of hooking them up poses a combinatorial challenge.

How to attach configuration data to the blocks? This is equivalent to a map of parameters such as sampling rate, center frequency, bandwidth, antenna selection, and such.

How can we preserve provenance of the model parts? This could include which flowgraph they originally came from, which original runtime system it targeted. That could help interpret the parameter values.

What mathematical structures correspond to the different concurrency models in Ptolemy?

SDR questions

What is QSpectrum Analyzer?

What are Stream Rings, and are they useful here?

What GnuRadio blocks can contain other blocks?


FM Receiver in GnuRadio, step by step

FM broadcast subcarrier decoder example decodes SCA signals present on some FM broadcast signals. They carry specialized programming, such as books for the blind. Most receivers don’t offer a way to decode these signals.

GnuRadio Fosphor spectrum display

SigMF: gnuradio Signal Metadata Format

Foundations of Total Functional Dataflow Programming

Structured Cospans and Double Categories, John Baez

Diospyros, compiler optimizing data layout in DSPs

GNUradio Guided Tutorial: PSK Demodulation

Bit Error Rate

BER Testing in GR

Signal Flow Graph

Comb Diagrams for Discrete-time Feedback

OpenCPI Component Portability Infrastructure, supports components targeted to heterogeneous runtime environments such as CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs

OpenCPI & GNU Radio Integration for Heterogeneous Processing - David Pocratsky, GRCon 17

Probabilistic Reasoning, Bart Jacobs

Overview of gr-inspector A Signal Analysis Toolbox for GNU Radio



Example NRAO metadata

SDR models using ACT

synthesizer patch bay is a monoidal category

Is a synthesizer patch a realization of a bunch of operads?

How to represent the signal plan in an SDR model?

The signal-processing paths in the SDR flow graph can be modeled as a graph where nodes are sample types and arrows are functions that transform one type to another.

“type” here means an ADT, which could be an atomic type like int, or a structured type like array of int. Often the type will be “stream of int” or “stream of cfloat”.

The flowgraphs can be seen as morphisms in a monoidal category.

Traditionally, these have been treated according to theory, formulated by Shannon, under the name signal-flow graph. These structures have an algebra of operations that transform graphs into others that have the same overall effect.

These transformations can help when realizing digital filters. For instance, a flowgraph describing digital filter can be constructed from a difference equation in a straightforward way. However, a direct implementation of that flowgraph may be inefficient, or it may be numerically unstable due to finite computer word lengths.

By applying flowgraph transformations (algebraic operations), it is often possible to produce an equivalent realization of the equation that is feasible and stable. [Antoniou; Oppenheim & Shafer]

Transforming from the “pure math” domain of infinite-precision real numbers to the “practical hardware” domain of finite word-length numbers seems to be related to some adjunctions (galois connections) between integers and reals. The functors are the inclusion of the integers into the reals, which has left adjoint (ceiling) and right adjoint (floor).

It seems that signal-flow graph transformations are akin to the wiring diagram algebras of ACT. See ACT@UCR Seminar: Systems as Wiring Diagram Algebras - Christina Vasilakopoulou

How to represent control plane in an SDR model?

The control plane allows a system to dynamically control its components at runtime. “Control” here means a way to change parameters, stop and start operations, and inspect the state of the component.

There is a pub-sub event mechanism that allows components to react to events sent by controllers, or by anything else. One interesting kind of event is sent by certain components that process streams of signal samples, when they encounter a specially-marked sample placed there by an earlier stage in the flow graph.

VITA-49 is a standard that specifies how SDR hardware interfaces with the DSP software. The hardware produces and consumes one or more streams of samples (the data plane), along with blocks of status and configuration data (the control plane).


Parse GRC YAML format, new in GR 3.8


Signal Domains are data types. Most of them are streams.

You can subscribe to a stream.

  • IQ Samples
  • Baseband audio samples
  • Decoded baudot RTTY characters
  • Decoded morse code characters
  • ADS-B message stream

Example: IQ-Samples -> ADS-B messages