
Install miniconda

Download from here. Set up an environment with conda command, check this tutorial.

Install packages

  1. Install pytorch: please refer to here.
  2. Install pyyaml:
    Open your commandline and type:
    pip install pyyaml
    pip install matplotlib

Task description

The project is about using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to classify handwritten digits. minist-img

To achieve it, the code will do the following:

  • Load the training config.
  • Download the minist dataset (divided into training and testing sets).
  • Construct the neural network.
  • Update the network parameters with training dataset by minimizing the loss. (Training).
  • Test the neural network with the testing dataset. (Testing)
  • Plot the results.

Code filling

Open the main file and modify it according to the requirement at course page.