
Primary LanguageTypeScript

AgriBuddy - CULTIVATING TRUTH, HARVESTING SUCCESS Screenshot 2024-10-20 at 5 47 12 PM

THE ISSUES - 1)Middlemen Dominance: Farmers often rely on intermediaries, who take a large share of profits, leaving farmers with reduced earnings and little control over their produce pricing. 2)Poor Market Information: Farmers often lack real-time data on market demand, prices, and buyer requirements, leading to inefficiencies in crop selection and sales decisions. 3)Post-Harvest Losses: Inadequate storage facilities and poor logistics result in significant post-harvest losses, reducing farmers' overall profitability. 4)Inconsistent Quality of Produce: Buyers often struggle with receiving inconsistent or substandard quality, making it hard to meet market demands and maintain customer satisfaction. 5)Price Volatility: Like farmers, buyers face unpredictable pricing in the open market, making it difficult to plan budgets and ensure stable sourcing costs.

OUR GOAL - Our platform is designed to revolutionize the agricultural sector by offering farmers stable market access, mitigating price volatility, and ensuring long-term buyer relationships. By providing transparent, fair contracts and quality control standards, we empower both farmers and buyers. The platform promotes sustainability, compliance with environmental best practices, and high-quality produce standards. Moreover, our user-friendly system streamlines the entire contract management process—ensuring trust, transparency, and efficiency. Engaging with key stakeholders such as government bodies, NGOs, and tech providers further strengthens the project’s goals, driving widespread impact.

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BENEFITS OF FARMER - 1)Guaranteed Market Access: Farmers have assured buyers of their produce, reducing the stress and uncertainty of finding markets and selling in volatile conditions. 2)Stable and Predictable Income: Pre-agreed prices in contracts shield farmers from sudden drops in market prices, offering a stable source of income and reducing their financial vulnerability. 3)Reduced Dependence on Middlemen: Farmers bypass intermediaries, which often exploit them with low prices, and instead engage directly with buyers for fairer compensation. 4)Reduced Risk of Post-Harvest Losses: Farmers can plan their harvest and deliveries based on buyer demand, reducing the chances of overproduction, spoilage, or storage losses. 5)Price Negotiation Power: Contracts offer farmers a platform to negotiate fair prices before the planting season, increasing their bargaining power compared to open-market transactions. 6)Access to Financial Services: Contracts often serve as a form of financial security, helping farmers access loans or credit facilities to expand their operations or invest in better farming practices.

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BENEFITS OF BUYER - 1)Price Stability: o Pre-agreed pricing in contracts offers buyers protection from sudden price spikes in the market, helping them manage their costs more effectively and plan budgets better. 2)Reliable Supply Chain: o Buyers secure a consistent and predictable supply of agricultural produce, ensuring availability even during off-peak seasons or times of high demand. 3)Quality Assurance: o Contract farming allows buyers to specify and maintain quality standards, ensuring that the produce meets their exact needs in terms of size, freshness, and other criteria. 4)Lower Transaction Costs: Direct contracts with farmers reduce the need for middlemen or brokers, cutting down transaction costs and improving supply chain efficiency. 5)Certainty in Delivery Schedules: o Pre-determined delivery timelines and quantities ensure that buyers receive produce when needed, reducing the risk of delayed deliveries and operational disruptions.

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MICROSOFT PRODUCT USED - TEXT ANALYTICS API: By using this API, we are able to connect farmers with the report of everything related to agriculture. In the report, sentiment of postive/negative/neutral would be given along with the key phrases.

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REVENUE MODEL - 1)Transaction Fees: Charge a small percentage fee on every successful transaction between farmers and buyers. This fee could be split between both parties or solely charged to one, depending on the value they derive. 2)Subscription Plans: Offer tiered subscription plans for both farmers and buyers,providing basic features for free and premium services—such as enhanced support, advanced analytics, or access to exclusive deals—for a monthly or annual fee. 3)Advertising and Sponsorship: Partner with agricultural suppliers (e.g., seed companies, fertilizer providers) and allow them to advertise their products on our platform. We can charge for these ads or create sponsorship deals for specific sections of our platform. 4)Data Insights and Analytics: Aggregate and anonymize data from platform usage to offer valuable insights to buyers, government agencies, or industry stakeholders. This could include trends in agricultural output, pricing forecasts, or sustainability metrics, which we can charge for as a service. 5)Government or NGO Partnerships: Collaborate with government agencies or NGOs for rural development and sustainability programs. They may provide funding or grants to support our platform in exchange for helping them meet their social or environmental objectives.

TECHNICAL APPROACH - Screenshot 2024-10-20 at 6 01 00 PM

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