objective: an attempt at unpacking in layman's terms what mathematics is and how it is created.
def¹: mathematics is an art like music and painting (Lockhart, 2009: 3).
def²: mathematics is about pure reason to get at the truth about something (Lockhart, 2009: 4).
def: how is it created?: see: 0_foundations/1_numbers/0_real_numbers/0_def.txt
plain english:
- def: mathematics is a formal language. this means it has precise definitions for its words(+,-,*, π,e, etc) and grammar.
- the symbols are merely shorthands.
symbols such as
means: ANDΣ
means: sum∀
means: for all+
means: add[which you know from Grade 1 Mathematics]-
means: subtract[which you know from Grade 1 Mathematics]
a formal classification scheme is maintained here:
- MoMath, Wolfram Research: https://history-of-mathematics.org/
- NJ Wildberger. The history of mathematics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dW8Cy6WrO94&list=PL55C7C83781CF4316
Quanta Magazine: https://www.quantamagazine.org/mathematics/
- https://aims.ac.za/
- https://mathematicallogic.com
- The South African Mathematical Society: http://www.sams.ac.za
- Institute of Mathematics & its Applications: https://ima.org.uk
- Mathematical Association of America: https://www.maa.org
- American Mathematical Society: https://www.ams.org/mr-database
- Clay Mathematics Institute: https://www.claymath.org/
- https://mathoverflow.net/
- https://math.stackexchange.com/
- The African Mathematical Society https://aims.ac.za# mathematics
- https://terrytao.wordpress.com/
- https://njwildberger.com
- https://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/
- NB: the master is locked and all changes must come through a Pull Request.
- commit messages:
- provide concise commit messages that describe what you have done.
# example: git commit -m "feat(core): algorithm" -m"implement my new shiny faster algorithm"
- screen shot of Githb view
- references:
- provide concise commit messages that describe what you have done.
- Mathematics Subject Classification. 2020. https://zbmath.org/classification/
- Mathematical Association of America. https://www.maa.org/press/periodicals/loci/joma/subject-taxonomy
- Lockhart, P. 2009. A Mathematician's Lament.
Q: Question for later research
MYINC: My Insight/Conjecture [Could Be Unoriginal/False and Likely Is]
Disclaimer: This is an ongoing and incomplete project to unpack these concepts and serve as my distributed memory.