Ligthouse is an amazing web based interactive UI solution, which covers all the important recon scans ( active / passive ) for your assets at a single place.
- Subdomain Enumeration
- Nuclei Active Scanning
- CAST Scans
- Port Scans
- Website Techstack Grabber
- SSL Certificate / Expiry Check
- Screenshot Grabbing
- Directory Fuzzing
- Python 3.10 +
- Redis Server
- MongoDB
- Node.js v16.17.0
- Go
- subfinder
- amass
- nuclei
- ssl-checker
- naabu
- nmap
- httpx
- aquatone
- ffuf
Above tools must be installed on the system, post successful installation of above tools we can follow light-house setting up steps below
- Go to the frontend directory and run following commmand :
npm install
- node version "v16.17.0" to be already installed
- Run the following commands :
pip install -r requirements.txt
brew install redis
brew install mongodb
- Setup a virtualenv if you prefer that
npm start
- Run Services
brew services restart mongodb-community
- In backend directory, run the following commands. ( different shell tabs respectively )
python3 -m uvicorn main:app --port 8080 --reload
celery -A main.celery beat -S redbeat.RedBeatScheduler
celery -A main.celery worker