1. Tensorflow and Keras Basics

A. Basics

B. callbacsks, tf_datasets, gradient_date

C. Regression, Classification, tf_estimator

2. FeedForwardNetwork_MNIST ( Tensorflow )

A. Recognizing hand written digits_v1

B. Recognizing hand written digits_v2

C. Recognizing hand written digits_v3

3. Basics -Regression- Classification-Fully Connected Network ( Pytorch )

A. Pytorch Basics

B. Pytorch Basics_1

C. Pytorch And Numpy Conversion

D. Computational Graph

E. Auto Grad

F. Classification With Pytorch

G. Feed Forward Network with Pytorch

H. Feed Forward

I. Linear Model Using AutoGrad

J. Regression_Classification_Using_nn_Layers

K. Using Cuda_GPU

3. Image Classification ( Pytorch )

A. Image PreProcessing in SkImage

B. Image PreProcessing in Pytorch

C. Image Classification Using Feed Forward Network

D. CNN Visualization

E. Convolution Operation

F. Deep CNN Transfer Learning

G. Fashion MNIST

H. MNIST CNN LeNet Architecture

I. Optimizing Image Classification with Hyper parameter tuning

J. Transfer learning - ResNet18

I. Batch Normalization and Dropout ( Pytorch )

II. Hyperparameter Tuning using MLflow ( Pytorch )

4. Mini Project - Vowels, Consonants Classification using CNN Transfer Learning