First Alfido Tech #internship project
Project Overview: The Number Game is a classic guessing game where a computer generates a random number, and the player's objective is to guess that number correctly. The game is implemented in Java and utilizes the Java Swing library to create a graphical user interface (GUI) for user interaction.

Game Objective: The main objective of the Number Game is for the player to correctly guess the randomly generated number.

Key Features:

Random Number Generation: The computer generates a random number between 1 and 100. This random number serves as the target that the player needs to guess.

User Interaction: The game's interface includes three main buttons to facilitate user interaction:

Guess: This button allows the player to make a guess and check if it matches the random number. The game provides feedback on whether the guess is too high or too low in relation to the target number.

Play Again: This button provides the option to start a new round of the game, generating a new random number for the player to guess.

Give Up: If the player decides to give up on guessing the number, this button can be used to end the game and reveal the random number.

Scoring: The player's score is determined by the number of attempts it takes to correctly guess the random number. Fewer attempts result in a higher score, encouraging players to hone their guessing skills.

Technology Stack:

Java: The game logic and GUI are implemented in Java. Java Swing: Java Swing is used for creating the graphical user interface, which includes buttons for user interaction. Development Environment: