----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Directory Structure ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- key_board_sidechannel_10307933_10307936 ├── audio_to_file.py ├── createwmat.py ├── dict ├── dispsim.py ├── final_ver5.py ├── Readme ├── recordwords.sh ├── simlist.py └── sorcmd.sh ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dependencies ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Numpy and Scipy --- For matrix and array operations Matplotlib --- For plotting Gnuradio --- For basic audio processing and recording (any other program can be used to directly record from mic ) Python 2.x --- Aliased as python2 everywhere in the program ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Repository ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Entire code along with the audio recordings can be found in the github repository. Audio recordings are not included in this submission archive and should be downloaded from the repository as the file sizes are large. HTTP link: https://github.com/prajithrg/accoustic_cryptanalysis or clone the entire project by git clone https://github.com/prajithrg/accoustic_cryptanalysis.git git clone git://github.com/prajithrg/accoustic_cryptanalysis.git Audio recordings can be found in anechoic_chamber_recordings folder in the repository. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Readme --- This readme file dict --- Sample dictionary containing 27K words simlist.py --- ADJ, DIST and NEAR tables for QWERTY keyboard createwmat.py --- Program that creates constraint matrices (weq,wadj etc) audio_to_file.py --- Used for recording keystrokes from standard audio input recordwords.sh --- Used for continuous recording of various words sorcmd.sh --- Sorts the dictionary according to word length and adds header which makes further accessing easier. Makes use of createwmat.py to create constraint matrices. dispsim.py --- Displays original constraints for any given word final_ver5.py --- Original program that implements the attack ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage and brief explanation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Audio recording -- optional python2 audio_to_file.py -I hw:0,0 -N 48000 sampledump check -h option for more details 2) Sorting dictionary and creating constraint matrices for dictionary words ./sorcmd.sh dict This created a 'dict_sorted' file and 'wmat' directory that contains the constraint matrices for various wordlengths 3) Actual constraints python2 dispsim.py <word> e.g python2 dispsim.py dear This program can be used for generating the actual constraints for a word 4) Final attack python2 final_ver5.py <audio_recording> e.g. python2 final_ver5.py anechoic_chamber_recordings/laptop_keybrd/<recording> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------