
Bluetooth Resetter for Ubuntu - Brute force workaround for connectivity issues

Primary LanguageShell

Bluetooth Resetter

A Brute Force Attempt to Reconnect Bluetooth and Get Bluetooth Audio Working Without Restarting


This script attempts to solve a very annoying problem in Ubuntu 20.04+, where bluetooth devices (I have had problems with multiple headphones) - bluetooth audio either mysteriously stops playing after a while, then refuses to reconnect, or I have to un-pair, then re-pair my headphones, or I have to restart the computer entirely to get it working.

How the Script Resets Bluetooth

TL;DR: disconnect devices, turn off bluetooth, unload modules, load modules, turn on bluetooth, reconnect devices

  • use bluetoothctl to note currently connected devices, while disconnecting all (including inactive, to account for ongoing connection attempts)
  • turn bluetooth off using rfkill
  • unload as many bluetooth modules as it can using rmmod
  • sleep for 3 seconds, which can be overridden in the command line
  • load the unloaded bluetooth modules again, using modprobe
  • turn bluetooth on using rfkill
  • sleep for 10 seconds
  • reconnect all devices that had been in connected status using bluetoothctl

Quick Start

Quick Note: Install blueman, it is worth it.

More details on blueman

Regardless of if/how you use this script (graphically after installation (more convenient) or as a script), I highly recommend blueman - better diagnostics, reliable connectivity compared to using Gnome settings/bluetooth for me).

Installation is as simple as running the following apt install command:

sudo apt install -y blueman

Here's what blueman looks like:


Without 'Installing'

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/prajjwald/bluetooth_resetter/main/bin/bluetooth_reset.sh && \
chmod +x bluetooth_reset.sh && \
#default is 3 seconds, but let's do 10, just to be safe
sudo ./bluetooth_reset.sh restart 10


- adds desktop icon, puts script in /usr/local/bin

First, run the install script (uninstallation can be done using './uninstall')

git clone https://github.com/prajjwald/bluetooth_resetter.git
cd bluetooth_resetter
sudo ./install

At this point, you can either run the script from the command line or directly from the desktop.

run the script from the command line:

sudo /usr/local/sbin/bluetooth_reset.sh restart 60

Running Graphically From the Desktop

  • Search for bluetooth in the activities area:


  • When you run it - you should see the command run in a temporary terminal like so (note that you don't need to enter your password for the script to run using the graphical shortcut):



  • The blueman utility is very helpful, and is easy to install - just run sudo apt -y install blueman - this is highly recommended

  • Even if this script works for you, do skim through my bluetooth notes - they have some general observations/helpful links I found. They are pretty basic though.

Feel free to share/suggest your own notes too. I really hope this helps you (if you're here, I assume you're suffering, just like I was).

Some Observations Leading to the Script

  • blueman has helped - it works better than the Gnome applet/settings when things go awry. Error messages are also more helpful.
  • even when connected - the bluetooth audio might stop working after some inactivity(?) - though it has also stopped working at times even when I was using it (audio switched to speakers)
  • a restart seems to fix the problem temporarily
  • blueman has shown me that my bluetooth connection doesn't seem too optimal
  • turning Bluetooth Off and then back on doesn't seem to help
  • a combination of rmmod with lsmod seems to fix the issue without rebooting

With these observations at hand, this is my current attempt at a script that seems to somewhat help.

Some Things That Would Be Nice To Have (but Aren’t There Yet)

Upgraded (or Even Downgraded) bluez

From reading forums online (seems I didn't bookmark that particular link 😥)I did read that bluez version I have (5.60) has a known bug - I should either downgrade to 5.58 iirc (21.10 only has 5.60), or upgrade to git (I did try building it a bit, but gave up - didn't want to fight the build too much). The other option was to add the ppa - sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bluetooth/bluez - unfortunately, they don't have a release for impish yet.