Services web app for SHIP, Student Homelessness Initiative Partnership of Frederick County
These instruction assume that you are already a collaborator on SHIP's Heroku account.
The SHIP Haven web application is deployed to Heroku. Follow the Heroku documentation to add a Heroku remote to your local repository clone.
To trigger a deploy, run:
$ git push heroku master
This will build a new Heroku slug,
run the release
in the Procfile
to run any Django migrations,
and make the new version of the application live.
These commands are examples that can run on a Mac terminal. Most of the commands should be accurate for Windows. Differences are highlighted.
Ensure that a version of Python 3 is installed on your machine. You can check by running,
$ python3 -V
That command should print the version number (note the capital V character!).
Deployment happens on Heroku. You'll want the Heroku CLI installed. See The Heroku CLI documentation for how to install the tools.
Start a virtual environment.
The source
command is specific to bash (i.e., Mac or Linux).
To start the virtual environment
on Windows,
check the venv
in the Python documentation.
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
Install developer packages.
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Install application packages.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
The application needs to read environment variables
to run properly
(because that's the Heroku model
of providing configuration via environment variables).
To set those variables locally,
copy the .env.sample
as .env
$ cp .env.sample .env
Apply Django database migrations locally.
$ ./ migrate
Create a local superuser account.
$ ./ createsuperuser
Start the local webserver.
heroku local
You can stop the webserver
by pressing Control+C