
Terminal companion for live cricket scores and stats, keeping users in the game with speed and simplicity, powered by Go.

Primary LanguageGo


Terminal companion for live cricket scores and stats, keeping users in the game with speed and simplicity, powered by Go.



Directory Structure:

|-- cmd/    
|   |-- root.go          // Main command logic
|   |-- edit.go          // Edit command logic
|-- internal/
|   |-- config/
|       |-- config.go    // Configuration handling
|   |-- cricklib/
|       |-- cricklib.go  // Live cricket score logic
|-- pkg/
|   |-- http/
|       |-- client.go    // HTTP client abstraction
|-- tests/
|   |-- cricklib/
|       |-- cricklib_test.go // Unit tests for cricklib package
|-- go.mod
|-- go.sum
|-- main.go
|-- README.md


go build -o crickCLI


If using for the first time, you need to set a match ID first, which can be found here.

./crickCLI edit

After setting the match ID once, you can edit it anytime using the same commands.

To see the live score:


This command will fetch and display the live score of the set match ID.

Run Without Build

go run main.go edit