
The 'Full Stack open' course by University of Helsinki serves as an introduction to modern web application development!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Full Stack Open (University of Helsinki)

Course content

Part 0: Fundamentals of Web apps

  1. General info
  2. Fundamentals of Web apps

Part 1: Introduction to React

  1. Introduction to React
  2. Javascript
  3. Component state, event handlers
  4. A more complex state, debugging React apps

Part 2: Communicating with server

  1. Rendering a collection, modules
  2. Forms
  3. Getting data from server
  4. Altering data in server
  5. Adding styles to React app

Part 3: Programming a server with NodeJS and Express

  1. Node.js and Express
  2. Deploying app to internet
  3. Saving data to MongoDB
  4. Validation and ESLint

Part 4: Testing Express servers, user administration

  1. Structure of backend application, introduction to testing
  2. Testing the backend
  3. User administration
  4. Token authentication

Part 5: Testing React apps, custom hooks

  1. Login in frontend
  2. props.children and proptypes
  3. Testing React apps
  4. End to end -testing

Part 6: Advanced state management

  1. Flux-architecture and Redux
  2. Many reducers
  3. Communicating with server in a redux application
  4. React Query, useReducer and the context API

Part 7: React router, styling app with CSS and webpack

  1. React-router
  2. Custom hooks
  3. More about styles
  4. Webpack
  5. Class components, E2E-testing
  6. Exercises: extending the bloglist

Part 8: GraphQL

  1. GraphQL-server
  2. React and GraphQL
  3. Database and user administration
  4. Login and updating the cache
  5. Fragments and subscriptions

Part 9: Typescript

  1. Background and Introduction
  2. First Steps with Typescript
  3. Typing express app
  4. React with types