
FoodRanger is a local food delivery platform. They partner up with local restaurants and deliver food to the customer’s doorstep. Upon landing on their website a user can search for restaurants by name or pre-defined area. Based on the search result, the user will be shown a list of matching restaurants. I am using the MERN stack to develop this program. Using Node and Express for the backend, React for the frontend, and MongoDB for the database.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


FoodRanger is a local food delivery platform. They partner up with local restaurants and deliver food to the customer’s doorstep.
Upon landing on their website a user can search for restaurants by name or pre-defined area.
Authenticated users can add reviews and add food items to their cart.
Based on the search result, the user will be shown a list of matching restaurants.

I am using the MERN stack to develop this program. Using Node and Express for the backend, React for the frontend, and MongoDB for the database.

To run the code,
First start the backend server by following command in the terminal,

  cd food-ranger-server
  npm start

Now, start the frontend server by following command in the terminal,

  cd food-ranger-client
  npm start

The endpoints that I have implemented in my REST API includes the following,

Screen Shot 2022-01-09 at 1 57 04 PM

Screen Shot 2022-01-09 at 1 57 47 PM

Developed the frontend using React.js and built reusable React components that were used across multiple pages
Adopted MongoDB for data storage, designed 5 different schemas, and implemented data access service to Create, Read, Update and Delete data (CRUD)

I will be adding CSS later, to make the site look better