
StudySpotz is a collaborative portal where the users can work on a project collaboratively.It can be used to create groups, start a video conference, upload files when needed, and even add To Do and events. We used HTML, javascript, CSS, and python that are tied together using Flask to develop the StudySpotz.

Primary LanguageHTML

Project Title: StudySpotz StudySpotz is a collaborative portal where the users can work on a project collaboratively by creating groups which includes video calling, file uploads, events and to do list features.

I reuploaded the files into my GitHub as our original files were in University's GitLab and were private.

Prerequisites: Download and Install latest version of Anaconda and Python

Getting Started: Clone this repo to the local machine.

Setup: Create a virtual environment using conda, use: conda create –n firstflaskenv python=3.7 Activate the environment using:

  • For windows: activate firstflaskenv
  • For mac/linux: conda activate firstflaskenv Install all the libraries required to run this project using: pip install -r requirements.txt

Runnung the Tests: Run the site using : python main.py Then go to from the browser. Then we should be able to see the StudySpotz logo at the center with Create account form. Create an account using the email and password.

Built With:

  • Flask - The Web Framework Used
  • PostgreSQl - The database
  • HTML - The Stanadard Markup Language
  • CSS - Document's style
  • Javascripts - Text-based Programming Language


  • Deeptha Srirangam
  • Jonathan Perz
  • Prajun Trital

It is not an individual project. Thank you to all the team members for your contribution.

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2020 Copyright - StudySpotz