
[Personal Project] - Project: flask-crud

Primary LanguagePython


[Personal Project] - flask-crud Simple web app that hosts inventory dashboard created with python3, okta, bootstrap and firebase. You can go to dashboard and from there you can either go to users inventory dashboard, look at pie-chart of barcodes or logout.

Table of contents


My first in the series of coming apps using flask. Have this idea of building an interactive dashboard app for a very long time. Choosen flask for its simplicity and scalability into large nosql database (in this case firestore). Also flask uses very useful jinja2 template rendering that can take multiple variables and python list as well as dict as input and renders that.

Then I started looking into login page and choose okta for first time building purpose. After that I reconfigured OpenID connect of okta portal and finally created the login page. Used firestore as database among many as it was developed by google and being very easy extractability of collections and documents inside it using a single api.

I followed the tutorial and the idea, but then decided to challenge myself by changing the technology the tutorial used. Instead of SQLAlchemy and Google App Engine I used Flask and server as python anywhere. This was challenging since it was my first time using firebase-admin api, flask-oidc and deploying a Web Application.


At this stage I experimented with different javascript like chartist.js and charts.js for making all sorts of charts like spline area, column, doughnut ones apart from simple line, bar ones. Then I looked into dataTables to render a huge chunk of data taken from database present in array and added options like search and list either 10 or 25 items in a page.

After that I looked into caching the data as well as the page so that it loads immediately after refreshing the page for the same data as this information can be easily memoized. But I ran into problems like memoizing the login page at the first iteration.Then took that into consideration and realised that other coders can manipulate data using their own javascript code. So reconfigured the app.

Finally, added material icons for attraction purpose which also renders data.


  • Python3.6
  • Flask
  • Okta
  • Firebase
  • Google App Engine
  • Git


  • okta
  • Flask
  • Werkzeug
  • flask-oidc
  • flask-caching
  • firebase-admin
  • bootstrap -4/3.4.1
  • chartist
  • dataTables.min.css/js-1.10.20
  • canvasjs
  • jquery-3.4.1/3.3.1
  • popper.js@1.16.0
  • core.js
  • charts.js
  • wordCloud.js
  • animated.js
  • font-awesome.min.css
  • jquery-1.11.1.min.js
  • gcloud
  • google-cloud-storage


  • dashboard
  • added
  • mic
  • local_offer
  • update
  • fa fa-barcode



  |_ client_secrets.json
  |_ project1-a9674-firebase-adminsdk-ddztm-263a615578.json
  | |_ _01_simple.py
  | |_ _02_html_inside_view.py
  | |_ _03_01_template_str_inside_view_with_database.py
  | |_ _03_template_str_inside_view.py
  | |_ _04_template_outside_view.py
  | |_ _05_database_app_template_eng.py
  | |_ client_secrets.json
  | |_ project1-a9674-firebase-adminsdk-ddztm-263a615578.json
  |   |_bg.jpg
  |   |_canvasjs.min.js
  |   |_clients_secrets.json
  |   |_colorlib-style.css
  |   |_flask-crud.jpg
  |   |_style.css
       |  |_barcodes_template.html
       |  |_data_table_demo.html
       |  |_template_engine.html
       |  |_template_engine_1.html
       |  |_word_cloud_demo.html
       |  |_404.html


prakhar@prakhar:~$ cd Downloads/flask-introduction
prakhar@prakhar:~~/Downloads/flask-introduction$ source virtual/bin/activate
(virtual)prakhar@prakhar:~~/Downloads/flask-introduction$ pip install -r requirements.txt
(virtual)prakhar@prakhar:~~/Downloads/flask-introduction$ cd flask_introduction
(virtual)prakhar@prakhar:~~/Downloads/flask-introduction/flask_introduction$ FLASK_APP=myFlaskApp.py flask run