
:star: A curated list of awesome Imba frameworks, libraries, software and resources


Awesome Imba Awesome

A curated list of awesome Imba frameworks, libraries, software and resources



Official Resources

Toolkits and Frameworks

  • Imbapack - The imbapack utility is a convenient wrapper around webpack. When you use Imbapack you do not need to declare an imba-loader and resolveExtensions in your configs. It ships with Imba package.
  • Imbac - The imbac utility is for compiling your scripts to js. When working on client-side projects you should use imbapack instead. It also ships with imba package.
  • Webpack loader - Imba's build-in loader. You can install Imba locally and in the webpack config you can set it to use that loader.
  • Imba Router - An Experimental Router for Imba.
  • UXA - Experimental framework for Imba.
  • Parcel Plugin Imba - Parcel Bundler plugin to enable processing of Imba files.
  • Material Imba - Material Design components written in Imba.
  • Start Imba - Tool to bootstrap an Imba protect. Inspired by create-react-app and vue-cli.

Editor Plugins and IDEs

External Resources



Showcase - Built with Imba

Real World Apps

  • Scrimba - The interactive screencasting platform Scrimba.com is written in Imba, both frontend and backend.
  • Iceland Fish Auction Market - A website for the iceland fish market.
  • GitSpeak - A project management tool for developers.


Apps/Websites built with Imba


Your contributions and suggestions are welcome anytime. Are you building great stuff with Imba? Feel free to share with us! 😊

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