
Dev Hosts, a VPS and cloud computing platform

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Developer Hangout Coding Challenge

May 2018 - e-commerce backend

Daniel Duarte
For the backend: Adonisjs

  • GET / - Welcome page of the application. There are some links to sign up, log in and look at products offered


  • GET /api/users/:id - Show a user (Needs a valid jwt token in headers)
  • PATCH /api/users/:id - Update a user (Needs a valid jwt token in headers)
  • DELETE /api/users/:id - Delete a user (Needs a valid jwt token in headers)
  • POST /api/users - Create a user
  • POST /api/users/login - Login a user by email and password and sends back a jwt if it was successful
  • POST /api/users/refresh-token - Using the refresh token sent back by the server when you logged in, you can ask for another token if the original expired
  • POST /api/users/logout - Logouts a user with a valid JWT (Needs a valid jwt token in headers)


  • GET /api/servers - List all servers
  • GET /api/servers/:id - Show a server

Storage centers (Data Storage)

  • GET /api/storage-centers - List all storage centers
  • GET /api/storage-centers/:id - Show an storage center


  • GET /api/services - List all services
  • GET /api/services/:id - Show a service

It was made with the amazing framework Adonisjs and deployed to heroku with the domain https://devhosts.herokuapp.com. I structured my data in a very relational way using SQL, with all (or almost all) my relationships being many to many. I used them with users and servers, users and services, users and storage centers (data storage), and user and tokens. For authentication I chose to use JWTs that expires in 1 hour that also comes with a refresh token (that never expires, but in the moment you logout it will be revoked), so when the token expires you can send a POST request to /api/users/refresh-token with the payload being:

    "refresh-token": "Here goes your refresh token"

And you'll be sent back a new token, without the need to reauthenticate the user with his password and email. The app also uses middleware, exceptions, and some validators to help keep each controller method doing just what it's meant to do. The code was tested from its ins and outs, all the routes, middlewares and exceptions. My experience with this project was very good, this was my first real world project, because I started 1 year ago but only learning things, and now this year I'll be putting all the things I've learned in practice. This project was also a surprise because by the time the project was announced I was making my portfolio, and I was thinking of projects that I could make, and that day I decided to check out discord and found the announcement of this project, and saw it like an opportunitty to get started in the real world, and started doing it, until now that's finished. I learned a bunch of things, how to use git, why testing is useful, markdown and some sql.

Some tips

  • If you want to log in just send a POST request to /api/users/login formatted like
    "email": "the email you registered",
    "password": "your password"
  • All the responses you'll get back from the server will be formatted like
    "successful": "A boolean indicating if everything went right",
    "errors": "Either an empty array or an array full of errors",
    "data": "Can be null or an object depending on 'successful'" 
  • The JWT tokens expire in 1 hour
  • When your token expires you can send a POST request to /api/users/refresh-token with the refresh token it was sent back to you when you logged in or created your account.
  "refresh-token": "Your refresh token"
  • When a new user is created, a jwt token will be sent back as part of the response so the user doesn't have to login.
  • Due to the form of authentication of the app (using jwt), you'll have to send in each request your credentials in a header. Set the Authorization = Bearer <token> header to authenticate the request.
  • When you want to logout send a POST request to /api/users/logout, you don't have to send anything in the payload, you just need to send your jwt token in the headers like any other protected route. (The jwt must be valid)
  • The only way that a user can subscribe to a server, service or storage center is to send a PATCH request to /api/users/:id with the payload containing any or all of these fields:
    "services": "An array of services ids",
    "servers": "An array of servers ids",
    "storage": "An array of storage centers ids"
  • The fields you are allowed to update are: first-name, last-name, email, password, services, servers, storage
  • The protected routes are
    • GET /api/users/:id
    • PATCH /api/users/:id
    • DELETE /api/users/:id
    • POST /api/users/logout
  • To create a user send a post request to /api/users with the json payload being
  "first-name": "xxxxx",
  "last-name": "xxxxx",
  "email": "xxxxx",
  "password": "xxxxx"