
Starter template for Nuxt.js with SailsJS. https://nuxtjs.org

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Nuxt.js with Sails

SailsJS + Nuxt.js = ⚡


This is a project template for vue-cli.

vue init tarrask/sails-template <project-name>
cd <project-name> # move to your project
npm install # or yarn install*[see note below]

Make sure to use a version of vue-cli >= 2.1 (vue -V).

*Note: Due to a bug in yarn's engine version detection code if you are using a prerelease version of Node (i.e. v7.6.0-rc.1) you will need to either:

  1. Use npm install
  2. Run yarn with a standard release of Node and then switch back


Command Description
npm run dev Start KoaJS server in development with Nuxt.js in dev mode (hot reloading). Listen on http://localhost:3000.
npm run build Build the nuxt.js web application for production.
npm start Start KoaJS server in production.


The nuxt.config.js is located in the config/nuxt.js to follow sails convention and to use it from a sails hook.

To access the sails backend from nuxt, you can use the axios. It is preconfigured by the hook to point to the sails port. For it to work from the client, you may need to add proxy: true to nuxt.js

module.exports.nuxt = {
  modules: [ '@nuxtjs/axios' ],
  axios: {
    proxy: true


