
This is part of CSE 535 Asynchronous Systems course.



  1. DistAlgo version: 1.0.9
  2. Python version: 3.5.2
  3. PyNacl: 1.1.2
  4. OS: Ubuntu
  5. Hosts: Laptop


  1. Install Python3
  2. Install Distalgo: "sudo pip3 install pyDistAlgo"
  3. Install PyNacl: "sudo pip3 install pynacl"
  4. Open two terminal in ubuntu
  5. run command on Terminal 1(Client Node): "python3 -m da -F info -f --message-buffer-size 50000 -n ClientNode src/Main.da config/test-case.txt"
  6. run command on Terminal 2 (Olympus Node): "python3 -m da -F info -f --message-buffer-size 50000 -n OlympusNode -D src/Main.da config/test-case.txt"


PseudoRandom Workload generation Algorithm:

  1. Generate Random sequence of size n from set {0-n} with random seed.
  2. Map each command{put, append, slice, get} to a set of integer {0,1,2,3}.
  3. Initilize an empty command list.
  4. For each value in Random Sequence:
  5. command_list.add(command[value%4])


  • Limitations:

    • There can only be 1 PseudoRandom client otherwise result may not match
    • Two Clients can't have same keys.
    • Buffer size should be 10,00,000 bytes.
  • Bugs:

    • Title: Getting StackOverflow error in Replica, [Frequencey: Sometimes]


  1. Prakhar Avasthi (@github/prakhar-avasthi) 50%

    • Responsibilities:
      • Implemented Initial Client, Olympus, Replica Processes and their communication.
      • Implemented Sending operations from Client to Replica and performing dictionary operation at Replica.
      • Implemented Sending of result from Tail Replica to Client.
      • Implemented Timeouts modules in Client and Replica.
      • Implemented Retransmition of operation on Client timeout.
      • Implemented sending cached result, error, forward request by replica on retransmit.
      • Implemented PseudoRandom Workload generation Algorithm.
      • Implemented Retransmitted request sequence at Head Node.
      • Implemented dictionary validation after end of test case.
      • Ran the program on multiple hosts.
      • Written README.md
      • Implemented checking of whether configuration has changed at Olympus or not as Needed.
      • Implemented sending reconfiguration request in case of misbehaviour.
      • Implemented sending reconfiguration request in case of Replica timeout when waiting for retransmit.
      • Implemented "Wedge"-"Wedged" request and response sequence at Replica and Olympus.
      • Implemented "Catch-up"-"Caught-up" request and response sequence at Replica and Olympus.
      • Implemented creating longest history and validating caught-up histories at Olympus.
      • Implemented "get-running-state", "running-state" request and response sequence at Replica and Olympus.
      • Implemented setting up of new configuration after reconfiguration.
  2. Rajat Jain (@github/jainraj91) 50%

    • Responsibilities:
      • Implemented initial required class files.
      • Implemented head, replica and tail related functionalities in Replica node.
      • Implemented parsing config file.
      • Implemented Sending of result from Tail Replica to Client.
      • Implemented Implemented generating result hash and Signing of order and result statement at Client.
      • Implemented forward and result Shuttle creation.
      • Implemented shuttle propagation and validation at Replica.
      • Implemented Checking of signatures and hashes of Result proof in Client and Replica.
      • Implemented Fault injection triggers and failures.
      • Implemented detect provable misbehavior and send reconfiguration request
      • Implemented initiating checkpoint shuttle periodically by head.
      • Implemented handling of checkpoint shuttl: validate completed checkpoint proof.
      • Implemented deleting history on receiving completed checkpoint shuttle.
      • Implemented history validation on the olympus node.
      • Implemented all the fault triggers.
      • Implemented all the fault injections corresponding to every fault trigger and handle all the faults.
      • Wrote testing.txt with expected behaviors corresponding to possible scenarios.


  1. src\Main.da

    • Olympus Code
    • Replica Code
    • Creation of ClientNode (Clients will run on this node)
    • Creation of OlympusNode (Olympus and Replicas will run on this node)
  2. src\Client.da

    • Client Code


  1. Raft2.da

    • Timing: 9.32 seconds
  2. BCR (Main.da)

    • Single Host: 24.96 seconds
    • Multi Host: 26.76 seconds


  • Lines of Code(LOC) Github is used to obtain the LOC.

    • Algorithm: 635 LOC
    • Other: 962 LOC
    • Total: 1597 LOC
  • Estimates

    • Algorithm - 60% (381 LOC)
    • Other functionality interleaved - 40% (254 LOC)


  • numbers of list comprehensions = 17
  • numbers of dictionary comprehensions = 15
  • numbers of set comprehensions - 10
  • numbers of aggregations - 0
  • numbers of quantifications-0


  • If runnning both ClientNode and OlympusNode in same machine, please start ClientNode first and then start OlympusNode.

  • If runnning both ClientNode and OlympusNode in different machines, please start OlympusNode first and then start ClientNode.

  • Client Command : python -m da -n ClientNode --cookie COOKIE --hostname <Self_IP> --master src/Main.da

  • Olympus Command: python3 -m da -n OlympusNode --cookie COOKIE --hostname <SELF_IP> -D src/Main.da <SELF_IP>