
CS5228 : Semester Project

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


CS5228 : Semester Project

Things Left to Do -


  • Reason Behind Removing Outliers - Atul
  • Property Type Target Encoding Grouping : Make it More Thorough - Prakhar
  • Final Sanity Pass Through Data Preprocessing (With Proper Explanation for Each Choice) - Pritam
  • Final Sanity Pass Through Data Preprocessing (With Proper Explanation for Each Choice) - Atul
  • Final Sanity Pass Through Data Preprocessing (With Proper Explanation for Each Choice) - Prakhar
  • Use Auxiliary Data to Improve Classification - Prakhar
  • Switch to Sklearn Pipeline - Atul
  • Recommendation System Baseline Method : Literature Search - Pritam


  • Improve the Usage of Auxiliary Data (For eg, Use 'Density' instead of 'Nearest') - Prakhar
  • Recommendation System Baseline Method : Literature Search - Atul, Pritam
  • Define Task 3 - Prakhar
  • Task 3 : Price of Old vs New - Prakhar


  • Final Kaggle Classification Pipeline and Comparing Various Algorithms : Part 1 - Pritam
  • kNN, Cosine Similarity - Atul
  • Add Auxiliary Data into Sklearn Pipeline - Atul
  • Task 3 : Size, Num beds, etc. of Old vs New - Prakhar
  • Task 3 : Condos vs HDB - Due to Foreigners; Tenure across time - Prakhar
  • Task 3 : Which areas are being renovated? - Help LTA to make decisions like roads, MRT, etc. - Prakhar


  • Weight features to allow customization for user - Prakhar
  • Final Kaggle Classification Pipeline and Comparing Various Algorithms : Part 2 - Pritam
  • Write Report : Data Preprocessing and EDA - Pritam, Atul, Prakhar
  • Write Report : Introduction and Motivation
  • Write Report : Evaluations and Interpretation


  • Write Report : Complete Report
  • Readable Version of Codebase
  • Submit Everything
