
This Contains Database Management Systems(CS43002) Term Project 1 Spring'20

Primary LanguageHTML


Demo Video:

Requirements :

  • Python environment
  • Django
  • mysql client and server

Steps to follow (linux):

  • option1:

    • sudo pip install virtualenv
    • mkdir envs
    • virtualenv ./envs/
    • source envs/bin/activate
  • option2:

    • any python environment (eg. anaconda, virtualenv (as shown above), etc.)
  • pip install Django

  • pip install mysql

  • pip install isbnlib==3.6.1

  • git clone "https://github.com/Anshul718/Book_Bay.git"

  • open terminal in root directory of project

  • login to mysql account

  • run command 'source <path_to_schema.sql>' (this will create 'book_bay' database in your mysql)

  • open settings.py in bookbay folder and change the database setting according to your user account

  • open terminal in Book_Bay directory and run following commands

  • python manage.py makemigrations

  • python manage.py migrate

  • python manage.py runserver