Welcome to OpenFabric-Workers
• I Created a Worker Management System app using technologies Spring Boot,Spring MVC,Hibernate, PostgreSQL and containerization using Docker.
• Developed RESTful APIs for CRUD Operations of Workers.
• Integrated Swagger UI for REST APIs documentation.
Tech Stack Used is Spring Boot.
Integrations for smooth running of the project locally:
- Database : PostgreSQL
- Build Tool : Gradle
- API Documentation : Swagger 2
Software Required to install locally
- Any Java IDE (Preferred - Intellij Idea)
- PostgreSQL
- Git
How to run this project locally:
In order to execute the current project, you have to follow the mentioned steps -
Then you are good to go!
How to start this project:
- Clone this Repository
- Import project into your IDE.
- Create your own branch like feature_{your implemented feature}. e.g. feature_api_to_register_user
- Commit your changes on your branch mentioning properly what change you have done. e.g. bug_fixing_crash_in_user_api
- After completing the task, create a PR against the master branch.
After reviewing your PR, it will be merged.
Access Swagger Documentation
Swagger UI