
Primary LanguageLean

Towards a proof of Cook-Levin in Lean

Description of project

This project defines polynomial time computation and shows certain properties about such computation. It is heavily based off of the previous repository here and the analogous PR for primitive recursive functions here. Unlike the previous repository, there is no explicit time model; instead we follow the footsteps of the mathlib's existing primrec definition and build an inductive definition of polynomial time functions.

An interesting aspect of this approach is that unlike previous approaches to formalizing Cook-Levin, we avoid Turing Machines entirely. Turing Machines are cumbersome and require several intermediate models of computation to be useful (e.g. mathlib has TM0, TM1, and TM2), which we would have to show are themselves polynomial-time preserving. With this approach, we can show CIRCUIT-SAT is NP-complete with just 3 models of computation, including circuits as a model of computation. We also introduce automation (the tactic complexity) to automatically close goals related to showing functions run in polynomial time.


We first define an encoding of some basic types in encode.lean. This is the same thing as mathlib's encodable, but with the target as trees (thus, tencodable). Note that using trees gives very nice definitional equalities. For example, encode (x :: xs) is defeq to encode (x, xs).

The files in src/complexity_class define a notion of function class that is closed under composition and contains some basic functions. It is essentially the class of functions which can be computed in "constant" time. In the future, this can serve as an abstraction that many other classes of computable functions (e.g. primitive recursive functions, recursive functions) can extend, so that "obvious" functions do not have to be reproven to be in the class.

The folder src/polytime builds results about polynomial time functions themselves.

Finally src/circuits -- still a work in progress -- builds results about circuits.

Models of computation


The main model of computation is based on binary trees, as in the previous version of this repository. In particular, we define polynomial time functions as in Cobham's characterization with minor modifications:

inductive polytime : (tree unit → tree unit) → Prop
| nil : polytime (λ _, nil)
| id' : polytime id
| left : polytime (λ x, x.left)
| right : polytime (λ x, x.right)
| pair {f₁ f₂} : polytime f₁ → polytime f₂ → polytime (λ x, (f₁ x) △ (f₂ x))
| comp {f₁ f₂} : polytime f₁ → polytime f₂ → polytime (f₁ ∘ f₂)
| ite {f g₁ g₂} : polytime f → polytime g₁ → polytime g₂ → polytime (λ x, if f x = nil then g₁ x else g₂ x)
| bounded_rec {f} : polytime f → polysize_fun (λ x : tree unit, f^[x.left.num_nodes] x.right) → polytime (λ x : tree unit, f^[x.left.num_nodes] x.right)

The key property here is bounded_rec which states that if f is polynomial time, then so is f^[n](x) as long as this output has size bounded by a polynomial. Note that we use iteration rather than tree.rec since iteration is easier to reason about and to make the reduction to list-based polynomial time functions easier.

In order to state results about n-ary functions, we use the function.has_uncurry class. Thus, we might state a lemma like the following:

@[complexity] lemma list_append : ((++) : list α → list α → list α) ∈ₑ PTIME

This lemma is definitionally equal to (λ (x : list α × list α), x.1 ++ x.2) ∈ₑ PTIME.


The list-based definition of polynomial-time functions is a predicate polytime' : (vector (list bool) n → list bool) → Prop, and has a very similar structure to mathlib's existing definition of primrec'. Instead of succ, we have cons, and we also have head and tail. Finally, the recursion principle is fold, which states that folding over a list is polynomial time as long as the result has polynomially-bounded size.

We use the results from catalan.lean, which contains many results of independent interest related to the equivalence between binary trees and balanced parentheses, to encode trees and show that this model of computation is equivalent to the model based on binary trees. The final lemma we get is:

lemma iff_polytime {n : ℕ} {f : vector (list bool) n → list bool} : 
  polytime' f ↔ f ∈ₑ PTIME := ⟨to_polytime, of_polytime⟩


Finally, the current goal is to finish circuit-based computation. This is the lowest level of computation that we work with. However, unlike TM's, composing circuit computations is very straightforward: just "connect" the inputs of the next circuit to the outputs of the first circuit. We have a definition of circuits and circuit evaluations and a proof that circuits compose appropriately.

The eventual goal will be to reduce the list-based polytime' (and hence, equivalently the tree-based PTIME) to circuit computations. Once we can do that, it is relatively straightforward to show that CIRCUIT-SAT is NP-complete. While CIRCUIT-SAT being NP-complete is already a desirable result, if we want the most standard Cook-Levin (SAT or 3SAT is NP-complete), we can then use the standard polynomial time reductions to reduce CIRCUIT-SAT to 3SAT.


There are a lot of routine tasks that can be automated using the tactic complexity (defined in src/complexity_class/tactic.lean).

Basic idea

The basic idea of the tactic is to repeatedly apply any applicable rules tagged @[complexity] (using apply_rules). If this fails, we unfold has_uncurry, so that we get the definitionally equal statement of the function with only one argument, and attempt to apply a composition rule. We repeat this process until the goal closes or no progress can be made.

Safe arguments

Sometimes, there are additional conditions that need to be satisfied beyond the structure of the function in order to run in polynomial time. For example, consider the @[complexity]-tagged lemma stating that we can iterate a polynomial time function polynomially many times:

@[complexity] theorem iterate_safe [polysize α] [polysize β]
  {n : α → ℕ} {f : α → β → β} {g : α → β} (hn : n ∈ₑ PTIME)
  (hf : f ∈ₑ PTIME) (hg : g ∈ₑ PTIME) (hp : polysize_safe f) : 
  (λ x, (f x)^[n x] (g x)) ∈ₑ PTIME :=

Notice we get an extra condition on f: polysize_safe f, which states

def polysize_safe (f : α → β → γ) : Prop :=
∃ (p : polynomial ℕ), ∀ x y, size (f x y) ≤ size y + p.eval (size x)

For f : α → β → β, if we think of β as a "state size", then polysize_safe states that f only grows the state by a polynomial in the first argument (i.e. independent of the current state size). We say f is safe in its second argument. This is precisely the notion of "safe" parameters presented by Bellantoni and Cook in their characterization of PTIME.

Discharging polysize_safe goals is especially amenable to automation because the result can often be inferred from the structure of the function itself. More precisely, Bellantoni and Cook show that composing functions such that the safe argument is inserted only into a safe location results in another polysize_safe function.

Recursor which allows time analysis

The ultimate goal is to build a @[derive polytime] handler that automatically shows "simple" functions (e.g. that use only structural recursion) run in polynomial time. To this end, we have a recursor called stack_rec (so called because we are more explicit about what goes on the stack and what does not). Such a recursor should be able to be generated automatically for any inductively defined W-type, but we have not yet written such automation.

Informally, we can think of recursively defined functions as: given input x, does some computation on x (pre), passes the result to the recursive call(s), and does some computation on the output of the recursive call(s) (post). For example, here are the definitions of stack_rec for tree unit and list:

def stack_rec {α : Type} {β : Type} (base : α → β)
  (pre₁ pre₂ : tree unit → tree unit → α → α)
  (post : β → β → tree unit → tree unit → α → β) : tree unit → α → β
| nil d := base d
| (x △ y) d := post (stack_rec x (pre₁ x y d)) (stack_rec y (pre₂ x y d)) x y d

@[simp] def stack_rec {α β : Type} {γ : Type}
  (base : α → β) (pre : γ → list γ → α → α)
  (post : β → γ → list γ → α → β) : list γ → α → β
| [] a := base a
| (x :: xs) a := post (stack_rec xs (pre x xs a)) x xs a

This is a very general notion of recursion, which includes most kinds of basic structural recursion. For example, almost all common list operations (fold, filter, map, zip, etc.) can be converted to use stack_rec in a very straightforward way. Similarly, binary number addition and multiplication are also in this form. A future goal is to do this conversion automatically (we will see in the next section that it is very mechanical).

Thus, showing that stack_rec runs in polynomial time (subject to certain polysize_safe conditions) allows us to do most structural recursion easily. Note that in some sense, stack_rec on trees is already the most "general" kind of recursion (branching factor > 1). In particular, since all data types are encoded as trees, if the encoding is natural, then any data type's stack_rec will be a function of tree.stack_rec. Thus, in the primrec mathlib PR, once we show that stack_rec is primitive recursive for trees, we can quickly port it to lists, nat, etc. In the polynomial-time case, unfortunately, it is a little more subtle, though it should still be doable. In this repository, however, we have simply manually proven stack_rec is polytime for lists (separately from trees).

Worked example (list.zip)

Recall the definition of zip of two lists:

def zip {α β : Type*} : list α → list β → list (α × β)
| (x :: xs) (y :: ys) := (x, y) :: zip xs ys
| _ _ := []

How do we represent this using stack_rec? For a given list (x :: xs), if the second argument is l₂, the argument we will pass to the recursive call is l₂.tail (more precisely, if l₂ is of the form (y :: ys), then we pass ys, and otherwise, we don't actually use the recursive result, so it doesn't matter what we pass).

Given the result of ih := zip xs l₂.tail, the value of zip (x :: xs) l₂ is (x, y) :: ih if l₂ is nonempty and [] otherwise.

Thus, we can prove:

theorem zip_eq_stack_rec (l₁ : list α) (l₂ : list β) :
  zip l₁ l₂ = l₁.stack_rec (λ l₂' : list β, []) -- base
    (λ x xs l₂', l₂'.tail) -- pre
    (λ ih x xs l₂', @list.cases_on _ (λ _, list (α × β)) l₂' [] (λ y ys, (x, y) :: ih)) -- post
    l₂ :=
by induction l₁ generalizing l₂; cases l₂; simp [*]

Note that stack_rec has the appropriate definitional equalities, so this result is always very easy to prove (usually just induction, followed by any necessary cases on the second argument, followed by simp).

Since complexity knows about stack_rec, it can automatically show the RHS of this theorem is in PTIME. In particular, this works:

example : (@zip α β) ∈ₑ PTIME :=
  simp_rw (show @zip α β = _, from funext₂ zip_eq_stack_rec),

Note that the situation of rewriting to a certain form and running complexity is so common, we support the special syntax complexity using for it:

example : (@zip α β) ∈ₑ PTIME :=
  complexity using 
    λ l₁ l₂, l₁.stack_rec (λ l₂' : list β, []) (λ x xs l₂', l₂'.tail)
    (λ ih x xs l₂', @list.cases_on _ (λ _, list (α × β)) l₂' [] (λ y ys (x, y) :: ih)) l₂,
  -- Must discharge the goal `zip l₁ l₂ = list.stack_rec ... l₁ l₂`
  induction l₁ generalizing l₂; cases l₂; simp [*],


Here is a more detailed overview of the organization of the project:

  • misc.lean: Miscellaneous helpful lemmas about lists, vectors, etc.
  • tree.lean: Defines some functions on binary trees. The same as this PR
  • encode.lean: Defines tencodable, which is encodable but for tree unit's
  • stack_rec.lean: Defines stack_rec for many common types. In addition, shows the very important result that stack_rec on trees can be simulated in by an iterative process which keeps explicit track of the stack.
  • catalan.lean: Combinatorial results about lists of balanced parentheses and their equivalence with trees.
  • complexity_class/
    • basic.lean: Defines a functional class to be a collection of functions f : tree unit → tree unit closed under composition and containing some basic functions: left, right, pair, nil, id, ite, etc. Proves various composition lemmas needed before the tactic is set up.
    • tactic.lean: Defines the complexity tactic
    • lemmas.lean: A collection of basic facts about functions which can be computed in essentially constant time.
    • stack_rec.lean: Shows that a single step of the iterative method for computing stack_rec for trees runs in constant time. This is separated because there is a lot of casework (discharged automatically by complexity) that takes a while to elaborate.
  • polytime/
    • size.lean: Defines what it means for a function to be polysize_safe (see above) and polysize_fun (have polynomial-size growth)
    • basic.lean: Basic facts about PTIME, the class of polynomial time functions, such as the fact that they are all polysize_fun
    • stack_rec_size.lean: Shows that intermediate results in stack_rec have polynomially-bounded size (will probably be refactored)
    • lemmas.lean: Lots of functions about lists and trees shown to be in PTIME
    • list_basis.lean: Proves the equivalence of polytime' (the list-based polynomial time definition) and PTIME
    • example.lean: Contains the zip example from this README
  • circuits/
    • basic.lean: Defines circuits, circuit evaluation and composition of circuits
    • circuit_encoding.lean: WIP