This project has migrated to a new hugo template and new repository. Please use the new repo for content contributions and see then on the new URL

Prototyping site for Arm Software Developers

This prototype uses Docsy, a Hugo theme module for technical documentation sites, providing easy site navigation, structure, and more. This Project uses the Docsy theme component as a hugo module and provides a skeleton documentation structure for us to demonstrate concepts.

You can find detailed theme instructions in the Docsy user guide.

Getting started

To work on the project start by cloing the project and run locally.

git clone --recurse-submodules
npm install

You can now edit your own versions of the site’s source files.

To see your changes run the site locally.

Running the website locally

Building and running the site locally requires a version of Hugo and Go. You can find out more about how to install Hugo in the Getting started guide. The Installation Prerequisites is also good.

The required software is Hugo, npm, and golang.

Once you've made your working copy of the site repo, from the repo root folder, run:

hugo server

Develop in Gitpod

Instead of installing tools on your local machine, you can develop content directly in Gitpod.

Install the Gitpod Chrome Extension which installs a Gitpod button in the GitHub project. You can also prefix the URL for the GitHub project (or your fork of the project) with

Open this repository in Gitpod

Building the website

To build run hugo, it will generate the public/ directory of files to copy to a static webiste hosting service such as AWS S3 bucket setup for static hosting.


Deploy to AWS S3

There is an AWS S3 bucket setup on config.toml to deploy to AWS S3. This is done automatically when commits are made the repository so there is no need to do it manually

The general command to deploy to S3 is:

hugo deploy

Here are some useful links:

Refer to the file to see some of the details of what has been customized.

Docsy user guide


Hugo theme module