
Learning GO in 72 Hours. Good start for any learner who is looking for getting started. Contains few resources as well.

Primary LanguageGo


Learning Go in 24 hours.

I've taken a task to learn Go in 24 hours, will share my notes and resource where I got the information from.

Project Idea.

As I am curretly working with elasticsearch and java, I'll create a CRUD operation REST APIs with go and elasticsearch. 
We'll Also try to compare development of go features with jdk 22 featues (preview as well). At time time of writing jdk spring boot 3.x has support for java vitiual threads I think.
maybe we'll create server usinng java classes rather than using spring or some other shit.

Let's do this.
  1. evening_jobfeed => Score is not stored in db.
  2. branded_job => tested
  3. jobfeed_process => scored db is not configured.
  4. Evening Single => Scores are not updating in redis.
  5. Email_prod => Score are not updating in redis.