Planning Poker


Planning Poker is a web platform allowing users to perform scrum task time estimation votings, organized in virtual rooms. Its back-end is powered by Django framework. After registration, the user gets access to a customized django admin panel where they can manage their rooms and participants, who gain access by personalized URLs.

The voting data is transferred between clients using websockets ( Application's front-end is based on Twitter Bootstrap and a custom Angular.js engine.

Planning Poker offers JIRA integration simplifying the process of fetching lists of tasks from current JIRA sprint.


You can create a fully-featured demo room without registration here:

In case you want to check out the full expirience, you might register an admin account by visiting: - credentials achieved by signing up may be used to login into the administration interface available at the url:

Note: all user created data on our test instance is wiped out once a day, at 12am GMT+2.


In order to run your own instance of planning poker:

  1. Clone the repo:
git clone
  1. Create virtualenv:
virtualenv env
  1. Activate it:
. env/bin/activate
  1. cd the app directory:
cd planning-poker
  1. Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Create your copy of and fill it:
cp poker/ poker/ && vim poker/
  1. Create your copy of constants.js:
cp app/static/scripts/constants.js.dist app/static/scripts/constants.js
  1. Migrate the database:
python migrate
  1. Create your user account:
python createsuperuser
  1. Run http and websocket servers:
python runserver &
python &
  1. Navigate over to http://localhost:8000/admin to create your first planning poker room!


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


Fork the project, create a feature branch, and send us a pull request.