
oop-final-kelompok-a-8 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Snake Game

This repository is a final project (Java GUI) from Object-Oriented Programming Class, Teknik Informatika Universitas Padjadjaran.

Challenge Guidelines

Implementasi dari game terkenal yaitu Snake dimana ada seekor ular yang dapat diarahkan untuk memakan buah. Dan jika ular tersebut memakan buah, panjangnya akan bertambah.


NPM Name
140810200003 Affan rifqy Kurniadi
140810200023 Rheza Pandya Andhikaputra
140810200061 Andyka Baswara Putra

Change log

  • Sprint Planning - (17/11/2021)

    • Planning
  • Sprint 1 - (17/11/2021 - 23/11/2021)

    • Preparing base code
  • Sprint 2 - (24/11/2021 - 30/11/2021)

    • Make the body of snake with length 5
    • Make the game can run
    • Recoding
    • Implement Controller
    • Implement Scene Builder
    • Implement Snake Pointer
    • Implement Start Snake
    • Implement Controller Game
    • Implement Snake Body
    • Implement Game Over Text
    • Implement Snake while run
    • Implement Collisions
    • Implement Food and Random Food Color
    • Implement Self Destroy
    • Implement Score
    • Implement Snake Color
    • Implement Set Random Food Spawn
  • Sprint 3 - (1/12/2021 - 7/12/2021)

    • Implement Modular
    • Implement Start New Game Button with Space Bar
    • Implement Re-Start Game with Enter
    • Implement Leaderboard
    • Membuat UML

Running The App

TO;DO with steps

Classes Used

  • Controller
  • Main
  • Food
  • Grid
  • Painter
  • Point
  • Score
  • Snake

Notable Assumption and Design App Details