This is a java project created using Eclipse. This project contains a code that will be loaded and executed at runtime by DynamicClassLoading Android app.

In the DynamicCode_Java/gen/ folder there are two jar files:

  1. HiddenBehavior.jar contains the .class file
  2. dexHiddenBehavior.jar is the jar file that will be used by DynamicClassLoading to download the code. This jar file contains classes.dex file

If you change the code in the DynamicCode_Java/src/edu/uci/seal/icc/, for example to include more ICC attacks, you need to create two new jar files as follows:

Create HiddenBehavior.jar

  • Build the project using Java 1.7 not 1.8. If you are using Eclipse, you can change that from the properties of the project
  • From Eclipse (File -> Export-> JAR Files) then follow the instructions. Read this for more information
  • From a command line: jar cvfm HiddenBehavior.jar manifest.txt *.class. Read this for more information

Create dexHiddenBehavior.jar

  • Use "dx" command tool to create this jar file. dx can be found at "android-sdk/ build-tools/[version number]/dx". Then run the following command: dx --dex --output= dexHiddenBehavior.jar path/to/HiddenBehavior.jar

Push dexHiddenBehavior.jar to the emulator using this command:

adb push path/to/dexHiddenBehavior.jar destination-path-on-emulator

Change the path in the DynamicClassLoading app to the destination-path-on-emulator that you specified in the previous step