This source code provides a binary tcp client, which connects to a tcp server, waits till any message appears, receives a message, and prints it. At a high level, this provides a tcp client, which connects to a remote server, receive binary data into a buffer, parses the message into a custom struct and simply prints it to the standard output stream.
Binary data source: A TCP server is required, which sends the message in certain binary format.
TCP Source url, and port - Using hardcoded values for this exercise.
to sala_cloud_ex/cmd directoryCGO_ENABLED=0 GOARCH=amd64 GO111MODULE=off go build -o ../salad_cloud_processor ./...
- One shoud see sala_cloud_ex/salad_cloud_processor binary
- Makefile - With targets for building code, building docker, tagging and push to registry (given a container registry)
- Dockerfile