Client will be streaming collection of data. My server will be listening to it. It will draw a diagram by using that x,y cordinates. Both servers are node servers and running on AWS ubntu os.
- Connect to the client-server aws instance.
ssh -i "node-client.pem"
- Go to the client server folder
cd xy-cordinates/
- Run the client-server.js file.
node client-server.js
This will run the server on port 8080 and see the result from this url
- Connect to the server aws instance
ssh -i "node-client.pem"
5.Go to the client server folder
cd xy-cordinates/
6.Run the node server-nodb.js file.
node server-nodb.js
This will run the server on port 3000 and see the result from this url
- Copy and paste it in the server-nodb.js file if it was changed and push it to the server as follows.
scp -i /Users/pramodaya/Desktop/project/node-client.pem server-nodb.js