Created by Shubham Kumar
DISCLAIMER: This is for absolute beginners, no experience needed.
- Python
- Calculus
- Linear Algebra
- Algorithms in Python
- Probability & Stats
- Statistical Learning
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Medium Blog Posts
- Playgrounds
- Research Papers
- Interview Questions
- Top Rated Courses
- Blogs to Follow
Introduction to Python 3 Sentdex
Quantative Economics with Python Here
Python Data science handbook Chapter 1-4
Python for Data Analysis 2nd Edition
Learning Python 5th edition, oreilly publication by Mark Lutz (LONG VERSION)
Python by Scipy
Udemy Complete Python Bootcamp by Jose Portilla Google Drive
Udacity - Developing scalable app in Python Google Drive
Python Ebooks on Google Drive
Pandas & Data Analysis by (Video)
Pandas by Pydata
Effective Pandas GitHub
Pandas Cheatsheets
Pandas Data School Videos
Python & Algorithms 2.0 by Marina Wahl Pdf
Udacity Course
Another good resource Here
Visualising algorithms through animation Visit
Essence of Calculus 3Blue1Brown PlayList
Khan Academy calculus-1 Here
Khan Academy calculus-2 Here
Khan Academy multivariable calculus Here
Manga Guide to Linear Algebre Google Drive
3Blue1Brown PlayList
Khan Academy Linear algebra
UBC Maths by James B. Carrell Here
Khan Academy Course
Think Stats Pdf
Probability Cheat sheet
Bayesian-Methods-for-Hackers Here
An Introduction to Statistical Learning Essential
Elements of Statistical Learning Stanford Extremely useful
Hands on Machine Learning with Tensorflow & Scikit-learn Google Drive
Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python Sentdex
Stanford - AndrewNg Course YouTube
Udemy - Machine Learning A-Z using Python & R by SuperDataScience Team Here
Jason Mayes (Google Engineer ML Class 101) Slides
Ebooks for ML on Google Drive
More Ebooks on Google Drive
Manning publication books on Google Drive
Cheat Sheets for ML, DeepL, AI Google Drive
Google Machine Learning crash course using Tensorflow (Not for Beginners) Here
Reinforcement Learning Book by Andrew Barto and Richard S. Sutton Google Drive
Stanford's CS 229 Machine Learning VIP Cheatsheet
- Home for Data Science - Kaggle
Grokking Deep Learning by Andrew Trask Pdf
Practical Deep Learning for Coders Fast-ai
MIT Deep Learning Lex-Fridman
MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning Alexander-Amini
Demystifying RL Intel AI
Deep RL Bootcamp Berkeley CA
Python Deep Learning Projects Packt Packt Pdf
Implement a Pong-playing agent Pong from Pixels
Simple Reinforcement Learning with Tensorflow series by Arthur Juliani
Machine Learning for Humans by Vishal Maini
Tensorflow Playground
Machine Learning Playground
100 Data Science Interview Questions and Answers
40 Interview Questions asked at startups in Machine Learning Here
Top 100 Data science interview Questions
109 Data Science Interview Questions and Answers for 2019 on Springboard
111 Data Science Interview Questions with Detailed Answers Here
Open Machine Learning Course
UC Berkeley CS294-112 Deep Reinforcement Learning
UCL Course on RL
Machine Learning for Everyone Blog
You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” — Morpheus