
This is an attempt at solving the issue with saving and loading MaskRCNN model.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


  • For saving model after training, view save_maskrcnn.ipynb file.
  • The changes are just related to code in main.py and not the architectural.
  • For loading JSON file or the H5 file refer load_maskrcnn.ipynb file.
  • Remember that save_maskrcnn.ipynb and load_maskrcnn.ipynb shouldn't be executed simultaneously.
  • While running if u get any problem related to utils make sure your current working dirctory contains the above mrcnn folder.
  • While running then load_maskrcnn.ipynb if u get any problems related to like PyramidROIAlign2 not defined then find functions PyramidROIAlign1 defined in load_maskrcnn.ipynb and copy paste the code below that function just change the name PyramidROIAlign1 to PyramidROIAlign2 in that function.
  • This repositories is just clear modification of https://github.com/Suchit210Jadhav/Save-Load-MaskRCNN-model