
asset tracker application on hyperledger composer

Primary LanguageJavaScript


asset tracker application on hyperledger fabric


This project tracks asset within different departments of organization.


 1. Admin adds other users or admins to system, adds assets like (laptop, ipad etc) to system with owner info.
 2. User can search asset and view info like who owns it, currently with owner or not.
 3. User sends request to owner.
 4. Owner can approve request or reject.
 5. User receives asset by confirming in application.
 6. User returns asset and owner confirms it in application.


  • Request can be cancelled by either owner or user.
  • Once owner has approved request and user has received it, request cannot be cancelled.
  • Once user owner received asset back status moved to closed.
  • User can see his requests for asset (ie.owned by others).
  • User can see requests from other for his assets (ie. owned by him).
  • User can view asset request date wise ie. calendar view.
  • User can view block transactions of his asset.
  • Admin can see block transactions of any asset.
  • User can sign up only when admin has added his basic info through admin portal.

Project setup

Create mongo database "asset" and add super admin.
"empId" : "130",
"name" : "asdjnk",
"email" : "bbb@gmail.com",
"password" : "6E94B89D29641C4C30E851430B82E3FB026E5304661D0E9F7C8603BA98A44B51",
"role" : "admin"

password should be hashed shajs('sha256').update(email+password).digest('hex').toUpperCase().
role is admin, available roles are (admin, user).

Deploy project on hyperledger fabric using asset-network.bna. Start rest server for that network. (Please refer hyperledger documentation)

COMPOSER_IP = rest server ip. COMPOSER_PORT = rest server port. COUCH_PORT = couch db port. (Couch db ip and rest server ip considered as same).

Run Server npm run server visit http://localhost:3030


apis should be protected based on role.
rest server should be protected.
test cases.