
Semantic component helpers to support LaunchDarkly feature flags in your react app.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

LD React Components

Semantic component helpers to support LaunchDarkly in your react app.

CircleCI All Contributors npm npm Auto Release npm


Install node module

You can use npm or yarn however it is advised to choose one and stick with it. For the purposes of documentation yarn is being used.

yarn add ld-react-components

Importing the components

import {
} from 'ld-react-components';

API initialization

this._ldclientPromise = launchDarklyClient.initWithPromise(

const endpoints = {
  baseUrl: 'https://app.launchdarkly.com',
  eventsUrl: 'https://events.launchdarkly.com',
  streamUrl: 'https://stream.launchdarkly.com',
  baseTimeout: 100

this._ldclientPromise = launchDarklyClient.initWithPromise(


Takes flagKey and appFlags as props, which is an object containing list of features.

const applicationKeys = {
  'integration-test': { value: true, version: 3 },
  'multivariate-test': { value: 'multivariate-test-1', version: 5 }
<FeatureFlag flagKey="multivariate-test" appFlags={applicationKeys}></FeatureFlag>

FeatureSwitch, FeatureCase and FeatureDefault

FeatureSwitch should be a child of FeatureFlag and can take FeatureCase and FeatureDefault as children.

FeatureCase component takes condition and allowBreak(a boolean) as props, condition is the case feature, while allowBreak used as a break. The reason for name change is case and break are reserved words on JS.

<FeatureFlag flagKey="multivariate-test" appFlags={applicationKeys}>
    <FeatureCase condition="multivariate-test-1" allowBreak>
      <p>Multivariate Test 1 Rendered</p>
    <FeatureCase condition="multivariate-test-2" allowBreak>
      <p>Multivariate Test 2 Rendered</p>
    <FeatureCase condition="multivariate-test-3" allowBreak>
      <p>Multivariate Test 3 Rendered</p>
    <FeatureCase condition="multivariate-test-4" allowBreak>
      <p>Multivariate Test 4 Rendered</p>
      <p>If no conditions are met then render the default</p>

FeatureTrue and FeatureFalse

<FeatureFlag flagKey="integration-test" appFlags={applicationKeys}>
    <p>If feature flag is true, then is content will render.</p>
    <p>If feature flag is false, then is content will render.</p>

Another Use Case

const applicationKeys = {
  'multivariate-test': { value: 'multivariate-test-2', version: 1},
  'integration-test': { value: true }
<FeatureFlag flagKey="false-test" appFlags={applicationKeys}>
  <p>This non-component should get rendered</p>
  This is also should get rendered.
  <FeatureTrue>This one should throw a warning and wont be rendred</FeatureTrue>
    this one should throw a warning and wont be rendred
    <FeatureCase condition="multivariate-test-1" allowBreak>
      <p>This one should throw an error and wont be rendred</p>

Nested FeatureFlag

const applicationKeys = {
  'multivariate-test': { value: 'multivariate-test-2' },
  'integration-test': { value: true }
<FeatureFlag flagKey="multivariate-test" appFlags={applicationKeys}>
  <p>This non-component will get rendered</p>
  <FeatureFlag flagKey="multivariate-test" appFlags={flags}>
      <FeatureCase condition="multivariate-test-1" allowBreak>
        <p>Multivariate Test 1 Rendered</p>
      <FeatureCase condition="multivariate-test-2" allowBreak>
        <p>This one will get rendered(Multivariate Test 2 Rendered)</p>
      <FeatureCase condition="multivariate-test-3" allowBreak>
        <p>Multivariate Test 3 Rendered</p>
      <FeatureDefault allowBreak>
        <p>This is the default content if no other cases are matched.</p>

Using the React Hooks

const appFlags = {
  a: { value: 'a' },
  b: { value: 'b' },
  c: { value: 'c' },
  d: { value: 'd' },
  e: { value: 'e' }

const UsingHooks = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(65);
  return (
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Add count</button>
          <FeatureCase condition="a" allowBreak>
            A is being rendered
          <FeatureCase condition="b" allowBreak>
            B is being rendered
          <FeatureCase condition="c" allowBreak>
            C is being rendered
          <FeatureCase condition="d" allowBreak>
            D is being rendered
          <FeatureCase condition="e" allowBreak>
            E is being rendered
          <FeatureDefault>No value matches, this is default</FeatureDefault>

Using the API


import launchDarklyClient from 'ld-react-components/API';

const endpoints = {
  baseUrl: 'https://app.launchdarkly.com',
  eventsUrl: 'https://events.launchdarkly.com',
  streamUrl: 'https://stream.launchdarkly.com',
  baseTimeout: 100
this._ldclientPromise = launchDarklyClient.initWithPromise(user, this._sdkKey, endpoints, 500);

getFeatureFlag(featureId, defaultValue = false) {
  if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      .then((client) => {
        resolve(client.getFeatureFlag(featureId, defaultValue));
      .catch((error) => {

For development

For the API


yarn test

For React

The module includes a demo demonstrating how to use the components

yarn dev

To see the demo go to http://localhost:8080

Contributors ✨

Dave Bergschneider
Dave Bergschneider

💻 🎨 📖 💡 🚧
Andrew Lisowski
Andrew Lisowski

Harshit Jain
Harshit Jain

Jakob S
Jakob S

Vasiliy Vanchuk
Vasiliy Vanchuk


Shubham Arora
Shubham Arora

Gary Grumbley
Gary Grumbley

🚇 📖
Bennett Hreherchuk
Bennett Hreherchuk

Jose Diego
Jose Diego

🚇 💻 📖 ⚠️
Sam Nesbitt
Sam Nesbitt


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

Adding a Contributor

To add a contributor run yarn all-contributors add <username> <contribution>.

Example: yarn all-contributors add poorpaddy code,doc


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