Temporal Public Testnet

To generate a gentx:

Clone and install the node:

git clone https://github.com/temporal-zone/temporal.git
cd temporal
git checkout v0.2.1
make install

Restore your keys:

temporald keys add NAME_OF_KEY
temporald keys list

Copy your new temporal address

Init the node, add a genesis account and generate the gentx:

temporald init NODE_NAME --chain-id temporal-test-1 --default-denom utprl
temporald add-genesis-account TEMPORAL_ADDRESS 1000000000000utprl

Note: if you get an error that it failed to to get address from Keybase, try adding --keyring-backend os, unless when you restored your keys you explicitly specificed a different keyring-backend, then use that one.

temporald gentx NAME_OF_KEY 1000000000000utprl \
--chain-id temporal-test-1 \
--commission-rate 0.05 \
--commission-max-rate 0.10 \
--commission-max-change-rate 0.05 \
--details="XXXXXXXX" \
--identity YOUR_KEYBASE_ID \
--security-contact="XXXXXXXX" \

Please then submit the gentx-UNIQUE_ID.json file to the gentx folder in this repo.