
Latex Template for Thesis at DTETI FT UGM

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

Latex Template for Thesis Writing at DTETI UGM


  • This template is originally written by Canggih Puspo Wibowo.
  • The template is intended for a bachelor thesis. Other templates (master and doctoral) are availables, but they need adjustment.

What's new

  • [2023-02-17] Initial release.
  • [2023-05-30] v1.1


Read the detailed information in main.tex. In case some sty files are not available in your TeX installation, just copy the required one from packages/ directory into the same directory as main.tex. Hopefully this will help beginner users.


Main files

|-- thesisdtetiugm.cls (Class file)
|-- main.tex (The template file)

Content directory

This directory and the subdirectories are not compulsory. It is arranged in such a way to make it easier in writing.

|-- contents/
    |-- nomenclature/
    	|-- nomenclature.tex
    |-- statement/
    	|-- statement.tex
    |-- endorsement/
    	|-- endorsement.pdf
    |-- preface/
    	|-- preface.tex
    |-- abstract/
    	|-- abstract.tex
        |-- intisari.tex
    |-- chapter-1/
    	|-- chapter-1.tex
    |-- chapter-2/
    	|-- chapter-2.tex
        |-- sample-fig.png
    |-- chapter-3/
    	|-- chapter-3.tex
    |-- chapter-4/
    	|-- chapter-4.tex
    |-- chapter-5/
    	|-- chapter-5.tex
    |-- chapter-6/
    	|-- chapter-6.tex
    |-- appendix/
    	|-- appendix.tex

Additional files

|-- packages/ (Additional sty files for helping beginner users)
|-- references.bib (Bibtex file)

Sample directory

Only used for template sample.

|-- sample/
    |-- logougm.png
    |-- sample_code.m
    |-- scanned-endorsement.jpg
    |-- scanned-statement.jpg


MIT License