
Image generation service using DALL·E 3 model

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Image Generation Service

This projects provides an API endpoint to generate images using the DALL·E 3 model. The endpoint accepts the prompt text and returns an image generated based on the given prompt.

This project was built using the QvikChat framework. QvikChat is an open-source framework that provides you with a solid foundation to build powerful AI-powered chat service endpoints quickly and efficiently


  • You will need an OpenAI API Key to use the DALL·E 3 model. You can get one by signing up on the OpenAI website.
  • To run this project locally, you will need Node.js installed on your machine.

You can deploy this project to any Node.js platform if you want to. Although, if you do plan on deploying it, please ensure you have the necessary security controls in place, especially if the server endpoint is going to be exposed to the public. For setting up simple API-key based endpoint authentication, you can check the Authentication page on QvikChat documentation.

Getting Started

Get started by cloning the repository:

git clone https://github.com/pranav-kural/img-gen.git

Setup Environment Variables

This project uses the DALL·E 3 model for image generation. To be able to use it, you will require an OpenAI API Key.

Create a .env file in the root of the project and add the following environment variables:


Alternatively, you can copy the .env.tmp file or rename it to .env and fill in the values.

Install Dependencies

Install the project dependencies using npm or pnpm:

npm install


pnpm install

Running the Project

You can run the following commands to get started:

npm run dev # or pnpm dev

The dev script is set in package.json to run build and then start the server. When using the default configurations, the server will start on http://localhost:3400.

Once, you run the project, you can test the endpoint defined in src/index.ts from terminal using command below:

curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d '{"data": { "query": "a 3D painting like illustration of a cute lama in a hot balloon" } }'

Sample of an image generated by the above test prompt:


Above example points to You can change this port and host depending on where you are running the server and on which port.

You could also use the Genkit Developer UI to test the endpoints.

Genkit Developer UI

You can run the Genkit developer UI to test the endpoints. Testing the endpoints using a graphical interface is probably the easiest way to get started. You can know more about the Genkit Developer UI here.

Start the Genkit developer UI:

npx genkit start

OR, you can install the Genkit CLI globally:

npm i -g genkit

Then start the Genkit developer UI:

genkit start

You should be able to see the defined img endpoint under the Flows section in the left sidebar. Simply click on the endpoint and enter the query you want to test with. Clicking the Run button will send the query to the endpoint and the response generation process will start.

How it works?

The project uses the DALL·E 3 model to generate images based on the given prompt.

We use QvikChat to create the API endpoint that accepts the prompt text and returns the generated image.

The src/index.ts file contains the code that defines this endpoint. We first define the configurations for the image generation endpoint, and then provide these configurations to the configureAndRunServer method that will create the endpoint using the provided configurations and then start the server.

The code snippet below shows how the endpoint is configured:

import { configureAndRunServer } from "@oconva/qvikchat";
import { type DefineChatEndpointConfig } from "@oconva/qvikchat/endpoints";

// Configurations for the image generation endpoint (using DALL·E 3 model)
const endpointConfig: DefineChatEndpointConfig = {
  endpoint: "img",
  modelConfig: {
    name: "dallE3",
    response_format: "url",
  outputSchema: {
    format: "media",
    contentType: "image/png",

// Configure and run the server
  endpointConfigs: [endpointConfig],

Key points:

  • endpoint: this is the server endpoint where the HTTP POST requests will be sent to.
  • modelConfig: this object contains the configuration for the model to be used. In this case, we are using the dallE3 model and specifying that the response format should be a URL. This will ensure that model generates the image and returns the URL to the generated image. You can also use b64_json instead of url to get the base64 encoded image in the response.
  • outputSchema: this object specifies the format of the response that the endpoint is expected to produce. In this case, we are specifying that the response will be a media file with content type image/png.

Thanks to QvikChat, you can easily enable API-key based authentication with usage limits and response caching (with some limitations), by simply configuring your endpoint according to your needs. For more information, check the QvikChat documentation.


QvikChat is an open-source framework that provides you with a solid foundation to build powerful AI-powered chat service endpoints quickly and efficiently. It includes support for multiple types of conversations (open-ended, close-ended), chat history, response caching, authentication, information retrieval using Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), and more.

Get Started | Documentation

QvikChat Starter Template

This project was scaffolded using the QvikChat starter template. It comes pre-configured with the following features:

  • QvikChat: QvikChat installed and configured to start serving chat endpoints.
  • TypeScript: TypeScript to allow you to write type-safe code efficiently.
  • ESLint: ESLint to enforce code quality and consistency.
  • Prettier: Prettier to format your code automatically and ensure consistent code style.
  • GitHub Actions: GitHub Actions to run your tests and lint your code automatically on every push.
  • SWC: For faster and more efficient TypeScript compilation.
  • PNPM: PNPM to manage your dependencies efficiently.


If you encounter any issues or bugs while using this project, please report them by following these steps:

  1. Check if the issue has already been reported by searching through current issues.
  2. If the issue hasn't been reported, create a new issue and provide a detailed description of the problem.
  3. Include steps to reproduce the issue and any relevant error messages or screenshots.