
Script that fInds sales on Reddit for products, brands that you want

Primary LanguagePython


Script that finds sales on Reddit for products & brands that you want based on subreddits you hand it and sends that catalog in csv format to your email


must use python 3.

python3 sale_script.py


Configure your Reddit Api by creating an app of a script type and copy the pai information down into the following lines in sale_script.py

reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id='PERSONAL_USE_SCRIPT_14_CHARS', \
                     client_secret='SECRET_KEY_27_CHARS ', \
                     user_agent='YOUR_APP_NAME', \
                     username='YOUR_REDDIT_USER_NAME', \

Configure email info if using Gmail make replace SERVER_NAME with smtp.gmail.com:587 and make sure you change permissions to turn ON Allow less secure apps in your mail settings and modify the following info in sale_script.py

email_info = {
				"send_from" : "FROM_EMAIL_NAME", \
				"password" : "PASSWORD", \
				"send_to" : ["TO_EMAIL_NAME"], \
				"subject" : "reddit sales", \
				"text" : "here are your sales", \
				"server" : "SERVER_NAME", \
				"files" : ["sales.csv"]

lastly modify sales_dict with the products or brands that you would like to search for based on a specific subreddits

some example are left in

sale_dict = {


pip install -r requirements.txt