
A nodejs backend run application that uses expressjs for providing a server and handlebars for frontend. Displays the temperature and humidity of place based on user entered location.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The application can be accessed on the web over here weather-search-application.herokuapp.com

A nodejs backend run application that can be used to view weather data of a location via webpage. The application uses express for providing the server. The application uses handlebars for developing the web pages. It is hosted on heroku.

The application is the web version of command line weather application.

  • The application uses Mapbox for fetching the latitude and longitude of a location from the name of the location.
  • The application uses WeatherStack for fetching the weather data of a location from the latitude and longitude of the location.

The project uses npm version 7.6.0 and Node.js v12.20.2.

Instructions to run and use the application are given below:

Application Setup

  • Start terminal(Mac/Linux) or command window(Windows). Ensure you have git, node and npm installed.
  • Run command https://github.com/pranav1601/weather-application-web-server.git
  • Run command cd weather-application-web-server
  • install the dependencies-> Run command -> npm install

How to use the application?

Access the website

  • run command -> node src/app.js
  • Open your browser and the application will be up and running on http://localhost:3000