
A simple Pokedex built in Python using the PokeApi

Primary LanguagePython


A simple Pokedex built in Python using the PokeApi

How to use the Pykedex

  1. Open the main.py file
  2. Enter a Pokedex number, or a Pokemon's name
  3. Voila! You have your Pokedex.


  1. Python 3.4.4 ( Find it here )
  2. Python Pillow Library
  3. Python requests library

###Installing the Pillow and requests libraries -

  1. Install Python.
  2. Go to Command Line.
  3. Run the following commande

``` $ py -m pip install pillow ``` and ``` $ py -m pip install requests ```

The Pykedex has been made using the PokeAPI V1.

You can check their Github repository here.