
A template repository for the FReMP (Flask, React, Mongo, Python) stack using TypeScript, React+Redux, Flask-MongoEngine, and Flask-ReSTful

Primary LanguageTypeScript

FReMP Stack Template

The FReMP stack is a fullstack web framework comprising of Flask, React, MongoDB, and Python

  • Frontend
    • React (TypeScript)
    • Redux (TypeScript) via Redux Toolkit
    • Axios (for HTTP requests)
    • Yarn (package manager)
  • Backend
    • Python
    • Flask
    • Flask ReSTful
    • Flask MongoEngine
    • pipenv (package manager + virtual environment)
  • Database
    • MongoDB


To get started with development, follow the instructions below:


$ cd frontend
$ yarn install
$ yarn start


$ cd backend
$ pipenv install
$ pipenv run flask run --no-debugger # debugger not needed since we are only serving an API


Configure your database connection in backend/.env. This .env file should not be checked in to version control. The sample file (.env.sample) assumes you have a local MongoDB instance running on mongodb://localhost:271017/ and accessing the test database. .env files should be used in development only. The API server backend/wsgi.py will look for environment variables named the following for MongoDB connection configuration:

  • MONGODB_DB - Database name
  • MONGODB_HOST- Database IP address (e.g. or localhost)
  • MONGODB_PORT- Usually 27017
  • MONGODB_USERNAME - Required only if database requires authentication (which is recommened)
  • MONGODB_PASSWORD - See above

Of these 5 environment variables, only the first three are required.


There are many ways to deploy a FReMP-stack web application. This stack aims to be unopinionated in terms of deployment choices. Regardless of the hosting solution (DigitalOcean, Heroku, AWS, etc.), the build steps are essentially the same. However, this does assume that you have configured the MongoDB connection environment variables (described above) as application secrets or otherwise provide them to the app via environment variables. Remember, you should not check in .env to version control.

# build the frontend (React app)
$ cd frontend
$ yarn build

# serve the backend using gunicorn
$ cd ../backend
$ gunicorn wsgi:app # configure ports using `-b <host port>:<app port>` and temp dir using `--worker-tmp-dir /path/to/tmp/dir` as needed